Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Welcome Aggiemae... Oh the things people do for thier chickens...LOL

Cheeka - Ugghh chickies are dirty. I have 10 brooding in my garage and the stuff in it will never be the same. I can't wait to take a big bucket of soapy water to it when they finally go outside!
I destroyed my "dining room" last year, had to pull up the carpet which was seriously old and yucky anyway... but everything was filthy and covered in white dust from the pine shavings and then when the temps dropped to 30 below and old BH moved them back inside... he spread straw all over the place... I had to rake the room. RAKE.
I used Pine-Sol to clean and disinfect, and wow... it worked wonders... smell was gone, not just covered... mind you, these birds were in large crates, not loose, but they might as well have been... there was feed, seed and poop everywhere from them kicking it out between the bars... that room is so nice now - and is advertised as a "family room" in the listing, the living room is large, and has a chandelier off to one side, which is "technically" the dining area... eh... eat in kitchen is nice size... I don't use any of those. I eat in my easy chair.
The reason I never liked birds is because they kick out the poop. The food too, but that isn't gross.
I found myself amazed again the other day that I have chickens. And I like them!
I have to say, I never had a mess with chicks or an injured chicken in the house.
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Besides getting eggs, living outside is the best thing about having chickens. We have 2 parakeets and a cockatiel in the house, and while I really enjoy them, these will be the last house birds for me. They flap around inside the cage blow the dust and yuck all over. We also have to worry about keeping the house warm enough for them. The chickens are perfect. I get my bird fix (and eggs!) without the extra indoor cleaning. (The cat box and the house bunny are enough!!)

They are cute and very cheery.

However, I had to move the Seramas into the garage for the evenings.
We are having a rare cold snap here, and they don't do well much under 35*. They go back out as soon as the sun is up a bit.
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aww they are cute! my family in Germany likes parakeets. each family has one, all male, and all of them are named Hansi - because they can learn to say it very quickly... I always wanted one, but the mess turned me off. but I really enjoy theirs when I visit... and I enjoyed Bird quite a bit... would have taken him in if we didn't find the guy with the female - which by the way, that relationship has blossomed incredibly - he regurgitates food for her... now that's love!
he's hoping for fertilized eggs this Spring. he offered me an offspring if a hatch is successful, but I told him I'd rather have his peafowl chicks ~ he lit up like a Christmas tree! Sure! his are always free ranging, they do have a barn to go in during bad weather, but it's always open and he loses most of the babies to predators so he'd love to have them survive... I'm psyched to have peafowl...

3 Eggs today
We'll good news in this dreaded cold snap! Weather today is between -4 and 12 degrees F. Yuck getting worse the next few days. So I work nights so at-4 this am I decided the girls were staying locked I the coop while I slumbered. When I woke up this afternoon I thought I better go check how they faired on their first day in the coop... All looked pretty good. Checked for eggs and what did I find, ONE SMALL EGG!!!!!!!!! Yeah! Frozen so I thought I needed this for pictures so I will put it in my pocket while I feed. Well when I climbed in the narrow door to feed them it smashed in my pocket! Aaarrrrrgggghhhhh! So no pictures and laundry for me to do as it's my warmest coat!

So excited for the first egg from 15 hens!!! It was light brown so I can rule out the EE and the anacona!
Congrats Vindi!!! The first egg is so eggciting, even if it got smooshed. Think of it more as your first pocket christening.
I cannot comprehend -4 temps. We're getting the cold snap here too, and are whining loudly over lows in the 20s. The girls' water was frozen this morning (the first time ever), but I have managed to save my last productive summer squash plant. It still has a blossom and several developing fruits. The others have melted in the cold. Kale, collards, and snap peas are holding up well so far. We'll see after 5 more days of (for us) low lows.

Cheeka, a parrot can be as much work as caring for a kid, and they will never grow up and move out! I think the peafowl are a good deal. Lucky you! What color does he have? Love the classic blue.
W4W - You're indoor birds are beautiful!

I love peacocks andn would love one but know nothing about them... Wait I know nothing about chickens and I have 10 of them.

Congrats Vindi on the egg!

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