Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

OmG!! The red sex link should lay any day now. They tend to lay earlier.

I sure hope so. This has been the longest wait i can remember. But having 3 of 7 hens finally showing some signs that they just might lay before the snows fly it's very encouraging.

Before you all ask they got named at a day old. And they didn't care if they were boy or girls names.

My three pink faced ladies.

Red sex-link, Mycroft has been red the longest... well forever.

Silver-Laced Wyandotte, Lastrade, been pinker for a week.

My head hen- EE Anderson, she just started turning pinker this weekend.

My other chickens:

My EE Roo, Sherlock

EE, John

EE Molly

At only 14 weeks: New Hampshire Mrs Hudson and Buff Orpington, Anthea.
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I was pretty sure all of my girls were laying (10 girls...6 & 7 weeks old). I have a Polish and an Exchequer Leghorn that I thought were both laying. It was a small white egg I was getting...once a day or every other day (and when I say small, I mean tiny). I went out yesterday, and I finally got a normal sized white egg. So maybe it was my Polish that was laying previously, and now my Leghorn (finally) started laying. Who knows....guess we will figure it out when we get 2 white eggs in a day. It's just fun to speculate!

If you have some pullets at 6 & 7 weeks, then I want some of your chickens!!!
Could you imagine??!! Wouldn't that be great?

My white leghorn laid very large eggs, and she was my smallest/lightest hen. I'll bet you start getting a very large egg in a couple of weeks.
sure wish I could participate in the New Year's hatchalong but that would require an indoor setup, and I promised myself that I would never do that again because of the overwhelming and disastrous mess they created while growing enough feathers to survive the 30 below zero temps we have in Feb and March. the Easter hatchalong is probable tho' as Silkie Gossamer just loves to brood and we'll be close enough to mild(er) weather by then.

Mylee had a "test" at nursery school today - to draw a self portrait. this child is so self actualized she gave herself eyelashes! she was so apologetic to her teacher because she didn't know how to draw her nose... and had to make a dot. compared to her classmates, she was over the top. I'm so pleased with her performance, and she just loves school so much, she get up early on Saturday, and doesn't like the fact that she has the day off! hope that her enthusiasm lasts at least through graduate school!

the new carrier will do well, she starts on my route on Monday while I work Ms. So and So's route for 3 weeks.
9 Eggs today
and a Rump. Nugget has laid 10 days in a row and I wish that she would take a day off. I love her glossy brown eggs. Jemma laid a smooth cream colored egg that was smaller than yesterdays egg. 39grams. Smoke is slowing down a bit. She is at 2-3 eggs a week. She is a good hen and the still the leader of the flock.
ronott, they are beautiful!

evemfoster, your pullets are lovely too! the one called Moly or Molly... looks very much like one of my hens, who has been one of my ultra fave's since day 1, lo those many years ago now... lol. she's 2.5... she was my first blue egg layer, but she could lay tan for all I care, she is gorgeous and her personality is precious - she still chirps like a chick. I've never heard her sing the egg song or cluck like a grown hen. kinda funny...

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