Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I thought of the Easter hatch, but that means no eggs until late summer or later. I was going to hatch last month, but I drug my feet being indecisive. I wanted them hatched by the end of August so they would be fine by the time the white stuff that isn't feathers covers the ground. I am/have also thought about adopting 10 straight run or 5 sexed chicks. I want 4 pullets, and five leaves room for error.
I think it is the time of year that everyone is finding eggs in the runs. had a Leghorn laying her eggs there 2 days in a row before she quit laying. Today I found a brown egg in there. No white eggs today. I was worried that they were done until I realized that they have only been laying for one year. I still have a year of eggs from them.
I did my US Census today. If you weren't lucky enough to have this pain in the butt this year, I will tell you that it has to be done online. DH is an OTR truck driver. This doesn't allow for that, so my answers were creative. I finally got tired of making stuff up, and called. THE WOMAN YELLED AT ME, AND HUNG UP!!
The question was, "How long is DH's commute to work each morning?" He doesn't commute. He wakes up, and gets in the driver's seat. He has loads that take 4-5 days each. The woman told me to put "DK" for "don't know" but the computer survey rejected it. I told her it didn't work, and she lost it!! That simple, and I was begging her to stop yelling. Her final rant was, "you called ME to ask a question! If you don't like the answer, call someone else!" Then she hung up.
I was stunned to say the least!
Time to hit the straw (who can afford to sleep in hay?!). Night all!
We tried to guess what the Serama chicks would look like. Big fail!
My favorite pullet we named Jr because she looked very much like the rooster/papa when he was a chick, and I was sure she would grow into a cockerel just like him. Rooster is mostly white with a bit of crele colored feathers. Jr is cuckoo. I have to get some pics of them.

Going a little crazy here too. Broody frenzy in the bantam coop, so I decided to let them hatch some eggs. 5 broody hens fighting over eggs and jostling for the best positions. We'll see if any of those poor eggs hatch!
MC, we had the census people here last year - around here, they hire people to go door to door! I saw this lady climbing snow banks at the neighbors and was like ???? I hollered that the place is only used for 2 weeks in Spring and 2 weeks in Fall for hunting... downstaters, but she ignored me, tromped through knee high snow to hang her info packet from the doorknob. then she tromped back to climb another snow bank at the next unlived in house... when she got to my house, she was soaking wet. I just shook my head, told her that the folks across the street and myself are the only year round residents up here... the stuff will rot hanging from the doorknobs... save yourself a case of pneumonia and call it a day. all I would tell her is that I work for the Federal Government and didn't need to answer anything further. then old BH showed up. he chatted away happily with her for an HOUR! I was like, get outta my kitchen already! it's totally believable that the online form would be ridiculous and impossible.
MC, we had the census people here last year - around here, they hire people to go door to door! I saw this lady climbing snow banks at the neighbors and was like ???? I hollered that the place is only used for 2 weeks in Spring and 2 weeks in Fall for hunting... downstaters, but she ignored me, tromped through knee high snow to hang her info packet from the doorknob. then she tromped back to climb another snow bank at the next unlived in house... when she got to my house, she was soaking wet. I just shook my head, told her that the folks across the street and myself are the only year round residents up here... the stuff will rot hanging from the doorknobs... save yourself a case of pneumonia and call it a day. all I would tell her is that I work for the Federal Government and didn't need to answer anything further. then old BH showed up. he chatted away happily with her for an HOUR! I was like, get outta my kitchen already! it's totally believable that the online form would be ridiculous and impossible.

I'm confused why is there a census going on now. The only one we do is the once a decade one for the Feds.
in really rural areas anyway... the census is perpetually ongoing. I deliver "mandatory to fill out US Gov't Census" envelopes to someone almost everyday. they are also regularly sending them to vacant properties... to see if suddenly someone is living there, I guess. census takers come around door to door every two years.
in really rural areas anyway... the census is perpetually ongoing. I deliver "mandatory to fill out US Gov't Census" envelopes to someone almost everyday. they are also regularly sending them to vacant properties... to see if suddenly someone is living there, I guess. census takers come around door to door every two years.

Wow, it sounds like the paperwork is getting bad back east. I have lived 'out west' all my life (I'm 60) and have only done a once a decade census and have met only one census taker. She came around to ask who owned a empty illegally built house down the hill a ways. Generally no one cares how many people and things we have. Its 11 miles down a gravel road to the nearest small town. And no one comes around to bother us but the meter reader. And he still gets a smile and a wave when he gets to the top of the driveway.
If you have some pullets at 6 & 7 weeks, then I want some of your chickens!!!
Could you imagine??!! Wouldn't that be great?

My white leghorn laid very large eggs, and she was my smallest/lightest hen. I'll bet you start getting a very large egg in a couple of weeks.
HA! I would say crazy week, but it's been a crazy MONTH! The girls are 6 & 7 MONTHS
So as I gathered an egg from the one nest I heard a thunk and looked at a glistening egg in the next nest. This was the closest I've coming to an egg being laid!!!

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