Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

-20 again. Fun times. I'm getting a kick out of all the posts I am seeing where people are concerned their chickens might get cold because it's below freezing (so, 30 degreesF or so) People give so little credit to these guys! I mean there are breeds that can't take kind of cold but for a normal, fully feathered bird 30 degrees is like a walk in the park lol. Even our -20 doesn't seem to bother my girls much. I haven't even bothered to close the pop door except last night because it was blustery and snow was blowing in through the door. Even in -20 I don't bother to close the door unless it's windy. It makes sense when you think about all the animals that live outside in all kinds of weather. Go team chicken!

So what's everyone doing this weekend? We have a science expo to go to with the kids. It's a fun event with lots of booths with activities and they also have a big science fair and Baby Morties 1&3 are entered. Everyone at their school has to do a project. We have a really nice GT school here and that's where they go. Baby Mortie #2 goes to the neighborhood school and she didn't do a project but I had meant to have her do one and enter as well (anyone can enter). Oops. Next year.
Any chicken related science fair projects? I tried to get my niece to do the egg hatching development life cycle for hers but she wasn't interested.

I'll be watching football and doing chores. Have to clean out coop, dust bathe the big girls. Cull 6 roosters. Go to TSC to get stall mats for the barn..... Hmmmm I think I'm missing something!!!
Not here. They have kind of high expectations and just observing the hatching process/life cycle would probably not be sufficient. Baby Mortie #1 and his partner attempted to make a force field. I don't know what their hypothesis was, but it was proven wrong because apparently, the force field hasn't been invented by 11 year olds working with a $20 or so budget lol. That's okay, failure is an option in the scientific process and they don't get points taken away for proving their hypothesis wrong. If they were doing egg hatching there would have to be some experiment involved...whether or not singing to the eggs affects hatch rate...something....and I'm not sure if there are rules against doing things that might harm a live animal such as experimenting with hatch rates at different temperatures or something, which they wouldn't do anyway because we already KNOW what happens at different temps. I don't think anyone's ever tried singing though lol. Anyway I'm not sure they would be allowed to potentially kill chicken embyos. I'd feel bad about it anyway even if it's allowed lol.

Baby Mortie #3 is only in 1st grade so they did theirs as a class project. It has something to do with plants. I don't know what, really. Guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Today I get to pick up my hubby from the airport. He's been gone for a week. It'll be nice to have him back. Handing the kids over to him the minute we walk through the door lol.
How bout doing the vitamin C experiment? Supposedly, a dunk in water laced with vitamin C imporves hatch rate. Or how bout position of egg for hatch: in an egg carton vs laying on it's side. Or how bout chicks on FF vs standard crumble starter? Or an imprinting experiment? Do chicks who are imprinted to a dummy hen demonstrate decreased stress calls? Do they snuggle under dummy hen even though the heat lamp is warmer?

Glad hubby is back Mortie. Have a great weekend.
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