Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

it's National Pie Day!!

so I made a Chicken Pie... not a chicken "Chicken Pie"... y'know... a Pie for the chickens of course...

served with shots on the side...

Gossy got hers in bed.
I may cry! What do I do? Who do I call? I know roots were removed about ten (up to 15. DH's memory is bad) years ago. A lot of trees were cut down, and there aren't any near the cover. I really don't know anything despite trying to periodically look up info on septic tanks.
I may cry! What do I do? Who do I call? I know roots were removed about ten (up to 15. DH's memory is bad) years ago. A lot of trees were cut down, and there aren't any near the cover. I really don't know anything despite trying to periodically look up info on septic tanks.

Septic tanks need to be pumped out when the sludge level get too high. On average that is about every three years. the tank should be checked yearly to see what the sludge level is.

Using anti bacterial products makes the tank fill up faster because it kills the bacteria in it. Bleach is better because it is short lived in its effect.
I can feel the pain of septic issues. We had issues a few years ago. Luckily, our the mess came up in the yard, rather than the house. Our yard was like a swamp. The neighborhood smelled like "roses" for a while. :) We had several septic guys come out and take a look. Unfortunately, our system was very old and had not been upgraded for many many years. The system was not up to "code" and could not even be worked on. So $$$$$ later, we ended up with a whole new system. Interestingly enough, we sold the house a year later and found out that we would have had to replace the septic prior to selling anyway.
I am so sorry to hear that you all are going through septic issues now and in the past. It is a poopy thing to have to deal with.

Feeling blue on the chicken front, still N000000000000 eggs!
But I guess they make nice pets and are fun to watch. I placed a hay bale in the run yesterday (don't tell the horses), it is funny to watch them tear at it with their feet.

Happy Sunday everyone!
We're suppose to get it too! Which means I really want to spend today filling water buckets and such in case we lose electricity. Also want to try and tarp a little area of the run so they can come out of the coop. Love snow!!
I looked outside, and saw that somebody had come into my driveway with a plow. I have no stinking clue who the heck it was. I do suspect that my husband asked someone to take one swipe through though. He's in hot water for not letting me know how to use that stupid snowblower yet again this year. I had to do it all by hand for the cable guy. Umm. Shovel snow by hand.

Yeah. you keep thinking that. Really you dropped your wallet in the run and we've been running out every day to the store to get some eggs to put in the nest box. Whatever you do, don't look under the pile of shavings in the corner of the coop. Also...don't be mad when the credit card bill comes. We bought Hedwig a coat since she's minus some feathers. And a few 50 lbs bags of scratch...and a couple flock blocks...and a couple of cases of those hand warmers to keep under our wings...and some other stuff...just don't be mad kay?
we go a coat last year for one of our babies who only has fuzz has very little feathers it took her one min to get it off, it ws funny seeing her dance around the coop till it came off
MC... our septic guy says that even though we flush "bacteria" in the tank, the fact that we use a lot of bleach kinda negates that. You do need to pump it. How often depends on the size of the tank. Ours is 1500 gallons, so the cost was higher. We have only the two of us in the house, so it fills up less. I wanted to pump it in October, but DH said... it will be fine till we move. NOT!! Oh well.... It might be a blessing in disguise. It is now forcing us to remodel.

FOUR yesterday! Minnie was on the nest just now and threatened to give me a beating. When I tossed out treats, she came running to get her share.

She left me a beautiful BLUE egg.

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