Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

MC that kid is cute. Keep working on that hubby!

Here I thought I might get scrambles back for yesterday when I was having like a record breaking near impossible egg number day- two eggs from one bird after all! And no. She goes and does better.

Three today. Oh well, the egg carton is filling back up again!
Hey guys! I wanna turn in my adult card and get my teddy bear and blankie back!
We had to be at the hospital at 730 yesterday for Abby's surgery. She did well but is really sore and grumpy. Then I ended up in the ER last night until midnight with the 2 year old having trouble breathing. They think it is just a virus that is causing asthma symptoms. So she is on breathing treatments.

In chicken news my sister in law forgot to let them out yesterday morning so they spent the biggest part of the day in the coop..... with no food or water. Ugh. She had some errands to run and took Kelsey with her. They got home about 30 minutes before we did. Oh well. I did get 8 eggs and then they got extra goodies too!
Lindz, you must be beat...hope everyone starts feeling better soon. I don't have little ones anymore, and now I wonder how I did it all. Guess that's why we have children when we're young. Take care and try to get some rest.
You do free range. The American definition is that they have access to the outside. Doesn't mean they even get outside.
free range to me is leting them out lose in our yard, we have a fenced in yard for them, i have had chickens a long time but this year we have got small eggs all our chickens are over a year old so we should not be getting this egg, we have all sex licks and rirs.
our fenced in yard is big, maybe bigger then some yards with out fence.
they can go under both coops,
I know that those of us that use a run don't claim to free range. However, when people bragged about the eggs in the store being free range, I always had to set them straight about the definition, and that my girls really did get outside, and they had grass. Even if I had to put it in there myself or they ate the grass through the fence.
It's true. Technically if your birds have somewhere they can go outside, they're free range even if they never set foot out there. I'm sure plenty of birds in so called "free range" commercial operations have plenty of birds who never managed to get outside because of all the crowding and stuff. Us "chicken people" do tend to talk about free range more in terms of being let out to wander outside of confinement. But even then...I'll say I let the birds free range when what I mean is I let them run around my .3 acre suburban yard. That's not exactly without confinement I suppose, but it's a change of scenery from the run, even if they do only hang out under the deck most of the time.

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