Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Feels like -5. So far this winter I've only had to fill the waterer with a bucket from inside the house once. I've usually been lucky enough to have a day here and there that the hose works. Today was the 3rd time I had to fill it from the house. I threw on a sweatshirt and hauled my bucket out there and watered them and filled the feeder. I got a bit of a look at Hedwig. She is the most wild so she's tough to check out. It looks like her tail feathers are an inch or so away from being totally grown out again. I couldn't see her neck very well but she appeared to be well covered there, too. Hopefully she starts laying again soon. Maggie was underfoot the whole time I was out there, so I snatched her up and examined her feet. They look ok.

Have any of you done bumblefoot surgery? I can't even stomach watching a video about it. I don't think I could ever do it.

I opened the pop door back up all the way since it's not windy anymore.

Chickens are out ranging. They don't seem to mind the snow as much as they used to.

I already mentioned this, but I just love opening the lid to the nest and finding eggs there. I feel like each one is a bit of a miracle both in terms of just the chickens being so....I don't know...funny in their habits. They just know what to do. They feel an egg coming on and they just mosey on over to the nest and lay it. Also in terms of just being able to produce that in only a day. Thinking of the structure of an egg and what all goes into it, it's crazy that they can make an egg in a day. I also love how they almost always lay in the same box. It's not always the same box literally, but whoever lays the first egg of the day picks the box and they all follow suit. I understand they they do it, it just tickles me that they do it. I just love getting a nice handful of colorful eggs. I wish I could have more birds just so I could get more of an assortment of colors, but blue and brown are a nice combo so I'm ok with that.

le sigh. I heart chickens.
Shortly before meeting my captor, I was with a man whose family canned. I said I wanted to help, but was laughed at (not in a mean way). I'm a city girl. They couldn't imagine me canning. I didn't mind staying upstairs with the kids.
During the Super Bowl, I finally used my pressure canner for the first time (I've been water bath canning for several years). I canned seven pints of potatoes, and yesterday I canned three quarts of meatloaf. I had some problems, but it seems to have all worked out! I can't wait until the first time I open a jar of meatloaf! I can even slice it, and it will fit perfectly on a hamburger bun! I so hope the jars all sealed right, and I can make more in the future. Some people online swear meatloaf isn't safe. My canner book says it is safe. I guess it's just a hazard of the Internet. Everyone has an opinion.
Shortly before meeting my captor, I was with a man whose family canned. I said I wanted to help, but was laughed at (not in a mean way). I'm a city girl. They couldn't imagine me canning. I didn't mind staying upstairs with the kids.
During the Super Bowl, I finally used my pressure canner for the first time (I've been water bath canning for several years). I canned seven pints of potatoes, and yesterday I canned three quarts of meatloaf. I had some problems, but it seems to have all worked out! I can't wait until the first time I open a jar of meatloaf! I can even slice it, and it will fit perfectly on a hamburger bun! I so hope the jars all sealed right, and I can make more in the future. Some people online swear meatloaf isn't safe. My canner book says it is safe. I guess it's just a hazard of the Internet. Everyone has an opinion.
It will be fine if you pressure canned it. I have never seen it but botulism is supposed to be easy to tell--The seal breaks and the stuff goes stinky. The pressure and time is what kills it.

Good job!
I love canning, but I must say, potatoes and meatloaf I have never tried. Very interesting. I will have to look into that.

Only one egg so far today, but there is still time!

Hope you are all having a great day!
Shortly before meeting my captor, I was with a man whose family canned. I said I wanted to help, but was laughed at (not in a mean way). I'm a city girl. They couldn't imagine me canning. I didn't mind staying upstairs with the kids.
During the Super Bowl, I finally used my pressure canner for the first time (I've been water bath canning for several years). I canned seven pints of potatoes, and yesterday I canned three quarts of meatloaf. I had some problems, but it seems to have all worked out! I can't wait until the first time I open a jar of meatloaf! I can even slice it, and it will fit perfectly on a hamburger bun! I so hope the jars all sealed right, and I can make more in the future. Some people online swear meatloaf isn't safe. My canner book says it is safe. I guess it's just a hazard of the Internet. Everyone has an opinion.
i have canned potatoes for years now, do some 125 jars every year. i have not got potatoes in the store at all it least all winter, i have seen things in my canning books about meat but i have a large freezer and i make 2 when i do make anything that can be froze. one mth i will not have to cook just heat up.
Opinions are like bottoms...
A meal in a truck stop has gone up in the past month. $3-5/person! That means $450 a week for the two of us to eat twice a day. Add drinks in the truck, and you see why canning is a must. I buy groceries, and cook in the truck (I've mentioned that) but meat goes bad in a cooler, I can't properly wash my hands after handling it, and we can only get to a Walmart once in a while. Maybe every two weeks we find one.
Canning is going to be a life saver. And a time consuming thing. Once I get back in the truck (two weeks) I will only have three days to get the food to can and get it processed when we get home each time. Maybe I'll have a canning party!! Maybe I'll have to buy a Presto from the store, and have two going at the same time. Since all meat is canned the same, I can at least do it all in the same batch.

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