Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

It's okay, I definitely feel the weight of other people's pets in my care usually. I was just hoping that unhatched eggs wouldn't provoke that kind of response. They are lives and I will ofcourse tend to them to the best of my ability but there does come a point where additional stress is not going to be helpful and I tend to stress....a lot. Go check out starting around feb 23rd of last year for full details lol. I was a wreck. Hoping to be less of a wreck this time.

This hatch is already not going well. My brilliant plan was to go back to the farmers market where I got my red chicken eggs (wilson, penny, maggie) and just get more of those, after all, that worked out great.

I get there and no one has eggs. I see some people that look like maybe they are the right people, but no eggs? I lurk around kind of at a loss, trying to decide what to do when some other people walk up and this lady produces eggs for them. So I go up and ask her about eggs and she says she has one extra I guess they've gone to a pre order system. Well darn it. I agree to buy the dozen but it's not ideal. They were packed 3 days ago which isn't too bad but she went and got them out of a fridge...which I know isn't the end of the world but since she only had a dozen for me I don't even want to waste one breaking them to see if fertile. These chicks are not having a great start! I'm not feeling terribly optimistic.

I put out a plea on my local facebook chicken group and I will hopefully be getting some eggs tomorrow. Guy lives about an hour away but works in the same town as me so as long as he remembers them, I'll be getting more eggs. Means I won't be able to set them today which further messes up my plans but if it works out I guess it'll be okay.

In other news, Midge continues to be semi broody. I see her off the nest more than on, but she has started to linger over the eggs after laying hers for hours, which is the first thing that happened when she went broody last fall. I noticed she would sit for several hours after laying. At this point I'm not really interested in her being broody so I'm going to have to keep chucking her out and hopefully keep her from going full on broody.

Last couple of days have been 6/6 days. 4 so far today and we'll probably stay at 4. One is Midge's so she is still laying.
well we have 3 adults in our household, 2 sets of children with grandchildren so 8 there and at least 3 neighbors to bribe since Pasco has no backyard chicken law and MANY friends...none will go to waste.

11x 3 for just my family on a normal basis.....neighbors come next and then friends ...and it appears at least 2 of my girls may well be around 3 years old so they will be infrequent layers.
My favorite chick pic is the top one too w the baby snuggled under the wing.

Savannah looking forward to your chick pics this weekend!!

Babs congrats!!! Good job laying an egg!!!
well we have 3 adults in our household, 2 sets of children with grandchildren so 8 there and at least 3 neighbors to bribe since Pasco has no backyard chicken law and MANY friends...none will go to waste.

11x 3 for just my family on a normal basis.....neighbors come next and then friends ...and it appears at least 2 of my girls may well be around 3 years old so they will be infrequent layers.

No doubt about it. You need more chickens! Bwahahahaaa!
once I get my newer improved bigger chicken palace built and IF I get a good broody hen I may try some fertilized eggs next year. Currently my girls sleeping coop is just the right size for laying house is a bit oversized and I only have a subdivision back yard for forging....I want them to be pampered "pet" chickens....going to plant them a forging garden of there own next week and getting a mealworm farm and a earthworm farm (for castings mostly but the girls will get teats too) My two small dogs and the neighborhood cat are very good watchdogs and protect "their flock:"
When I was a teen I was house sitting for a couple in my church who helped lead the youth group. They had a dog that insisted on sharing the bed with me. Before they came home the toilet overflowed so I handled that. A day later I locked myself out of their house and had to get help to climb in a window. The next time I house sat for them,I let their cat out, came home from school and the house was locked but the cat was inside, breathing ragged and bleeding from a wound in her throat. I tried to comfort the cat, but there was not much I could do. They got home the next day and their cat died. I felt so horrible and confused. They you it to the vet to cremate her and the vet thought the wound was from a BB gun.They suspected a neighbor. I wanted to know what kind of neighbor would shoot your cat then sneak it in a locked house while you were gone? I wll never forget that poor cat, and how guilty I felt, even though I had dine everything they asked...
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I did really well today, finished that newest route 2 hours faster than that first time! so I got home with daylight to spare, funny how fast it goes tho'... I can't believe it's already past my bedtime. another long day tomorrow, but it is the 100 mile route that I love, so it's okay.
I figure that Gossy will want to brood again in roughly 6 weeks, Mylee is due to arrive in 8 weeks... and I'm hopeful that Big Broody Mama BO Finnia will also want to sit... she was doing her mushy cuddly stuff with me today, which is a very good sign. so, between all of the broody's I will have chicks within the first week of her arrival. she adores the photos of the newest batch, all she talked about for the last 2 days is how cute they all are... so it's pretty imperative to have some she can hold.
I don't have time to post the photos I took today, I should have gone up to bed 10 minutes ago, but if I get up early enough in the morning, I'll post then... still, I have eggs to deliver before work, so we'll see.
they are ridiculously adorable! plus I got some fun photos of the big'uns...
@mortie any trader Joe's or whole foods near you? I really want my friend to hatch some store bought eggs, just to say we can.

@cheeka I love when daylight savings time starts! Its hard to get adjusted to the mornings, but you can't beat coming home with daylight to spare!

Has anyone tried raising meat birds here?

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