Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I bet your right W4W! they feel entitled

so do you think they will have emerald earlobes?

y'know... cuz Gossy has a blue beak and turquoise earlobes...

the rottenest egg thieving culprit got some, but lost most of the that egg...

Now now Hug.  You can't leave that little surprise unexplained.  Frankie junior?  Stealth broody?  Stork brought it?


A very dear BYC (enabler extraordinaire) gifted me five Brahma/Isbar eggs and I had just received a used Brinsea Eco... I was used to big 'ol styro 'bators where I would plant multiple thermometers, hygrometers, wacky wigglers with my meat thermometer...
NOT in the new bator! Well, it said 99-100 before eggs set. Finally got a smaller therm and it showed 96*!!!! Then it took me days to get my mitts in a 1/16 flathead to adjust tge darn thing. Well, by day 24 I gave up. Literally forgot about 'em for a minute, and don't ya know, DF inquires... I break the news, no chickees. Went to dispose of them on day 26 or 27, I lost count , and when I picked one up I touched a little pip and about had a fit!
I thought, NO WAY?!?. I told DF that these chicks must be Franken(chicks)...come back from the egg to haunt me! Lol.
Had three expired before it completely dried, another skipped over the bridge on day two... leaving me with 11 Toes McGhee...that chick slept in the triangle of my axilla arm and rib cage for almost a week! The only way I could get her to shad up!
Finally, my other batch hatched enough chicks so Toes could continue to be top chick
This is how she treated my dog...

Definitely the Captain of this 'vessel'. Lol.


Their normal interaction. She rules her domain... for now.

ETA: Doh! Forgot to finish the story! (Bonehead)...

My 'Surprise' baby....

People on many forums and PMs had two pretty distinct opinions on setting Pullet eggs.
So this nervous nelly kept debating and wearin' holes in my 'pants' sittin' on the fence.
Threw caution to the wind...a wind egg, that is, and that was the third egg set and the first to, obviously, be fertile. So, I fretted for 19 days ( little shiz was early to boot ) and two days after appears I have a healthy baby 'girl'! If you knew my history regarding 'luck' you would know exactly what I mean when I say "what a wonderful sus-prise she is!!!
Now somebody else better hurry UP and invite themselves to the party!
If I have to 'sleep' with a chick in my armpit ONE more
(No chicks were harmed using my axilla to QUIETLY survive their journey into flockdom.)
To be continued...mwaha!
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Heeheehahahoho, they can take me to the Funny Farm...I need to weave a basket for my record 'breaking' number of eggs I got today!!!!

Bleepity-bleep Giant Eagle Grocery. Scuze my French! I have waited almost a year to say that!
We will have to see. I don't know if I will ever trust it. I have been tinkering with it for a few hours and so far it just heats up like crazy no matter what I do. My poor little babies.
You could always just replace the thermostat. It's obvious that the heating element works!!! Check out the STC 1000. That'll be in my next bator build.


A very dear BYC (enabler extraordinaire) gifted me five Brahma/Isbar eggs and I had just received a used Brinsea Eco... I was used to big 'ol styro 'bators where I would plant multiple thermometers, hygrometers, wacky wigglers with my meat thermometer...
NOT in the new bator! Well, it said 99-100 before eggs set. Finally got a smaller therm and it showed 96*!!!! Then it took me days to get my mitts in a 1/16 flathead to adjust tge darn thing. Well, by day 24 I gave up. Literally forgot about 'em for a minute, and don't ya know, DF inquires... I break the news, no chickees. Went to dispose of them on day 26 or 27, I lost count , and when I picked one up I touched a little pip and about had a fit!
I thought, NO WAY?!?. I told DF that these chicks must be Franken(chicks)...come back from the egg to haunt me! Lol.
Had three expired before it completely dried, another skipped over the bridge on day two... leaving me with 11 Toes McGhee...that chick slept in the triangle of my axilla arm and rib cage for almost a week! The only way I could get her to shad up!
Finally, my other batch hatched enough chicks so Toes could continue to be top chick
This is how she treated my dog...

Definitely the Captain of this 'vessel'. Lol.

Their normal interaction. She rules her domain... for now.
Love your story. However, I'm wondering how well your deodorant held up during that time???
Love your story.  However, I'm wondering how well your deodorant held up during that time???

Funny you should say that! Lol. I was going to touch upon that and thought, TMI!
ALL I WILL say is, thank you dear boyfriend (and any dear house pet that thinks they own my boudaire.)..I OWE YOU....BIG TIME ;0
Longest I have gone w/o since puberty!!!
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Your dog's getting her tummy scritched! No wonder she tolerates the chickie.

As an alternative to your armpit brooder, you can make a fake mama hen with a heating pad draped over a frame. Make a little tunnel shape and they will nestle down under. It's dark too, so less peeping. You do have to have a heating pad that doesn't auto shut off after 2 hrs.

My orpy boys loved their fake mama. She was set on low and kept them plenty warm in the garage.

I used easy to change paper towel for the floor, wire frame with heating pad attached over top, covered with a rag piece (because they loved to climb and poop on their fake mommy). I did have to adjust it as they grew. Some people have more chicks and use the heating pad on a flat rack, raised off the floor like an EcoGlow brooder.

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