Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

thanks everyone - I will be going to another facility in about 2 weeks, but they don't take insurance... out of network never pays you back like an in network facility, but they are the leading authority here.  they'll do the other blood tests because they don't have to fight with insurance companies... I have to pay, but I would pay through my current doc too... he just won't order it.  period.  plus they will test for the co-infections that are commonly associated with Lyme, come back positive with any and I'm good to go, and they will lean more toward the other clinical symptoms too and are likely to allow me to have the first month of antibiotics... if I get a positive test or positive response to the treatment, then we'll know...  nowadays, it's longer than a month to really recover, a huge percentage of people only recover 90% with one month tx.  the last 10% can take as much as a year!  mostly battling the co-infections that like to linger...

and thank you ron, I do have my labs, and my calcium is 8.9 - but all issues must be looked at closely.  I know how serious that condition is, my prayers for your wife and for you and the family have been and will continue to be said!  :hugs  

My thoughts are with you... I'm at year eight of battling a blind sickness..... On doctor number 4 and 5 and I think I'm finally getting answers from them.... My symptoms are many but range from a continuos infection in my mucosa and stomach.....
I have two new bared Plymouth rocks. Maybel has laid 3 eggs... last week. One was in the run, the others in the nest. Nothing since. Anyone else have a girl tease you with a few eggs, then slacking? Could it be the heat?
Hopefully I'll have some eggs soon, one of my RIR's started to squatt today .
I really have to start looking hard for eggs now! I can't wait!!!
Lets all do the layin' hen dance!!!!!
W4W, I'm so sorry. Mama Fox will hunt all hours of day and night to feed her kits. it is awful and they never take a boy here. always a pullet or hen. they just don't pay attention to their surroundings as well, and my boys alarm to the stupidest things, so now, the girls tend to ignore them. I've just resumed full flock free range, much to the displeasure of my anxiety levels. I've got to get over it. they need to be outside.

and waiting it out for those treasures! we'll wait with you ~ in the meantime, share some photos of your girls and we can have some fun predicting when they'll lay!

speaking of......

this was on July 12th. both the Silkie pullets from March investigating a nest box. seriously thought they must need a place to poop... no way was I going to see an egg from either of them for another 3 months...

and the egg that one of them laid today wasn't in there ~ it was in the apple coop's communal nest with several others, and below, it's on the left, followed by a bantam egg, a medium egg. a large egg and a jumbo torpedo.

Hi Cheeka, hope you're doing well & continuing to build your strength back up! I had to laugh when I saw that big 'ol egg here.....I didn't know they called them "torpedos"....welllll I got one today!! LOL....Marie laid it (one of the new girls) and OMG! she squawked when she did...carried on for like 10mins...I finally went out to make sure they weren't being strangled (I can see the run from the back door and all were out there...except she was yelling her head off).....and that's what I found...a torpedo! doesn't even fit in the egg carton! LOL.....looked at Marie and said "I guess I would yell like that too if I pushed that big 'ol thang out of my butt"

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