Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Oh maybe the heat, its been up to 90 the last few days... my older girls spoil me with an egg every day.
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good luck cheeka,
i have a problem with a chick, we have 6 peeps born the same day, one of them don't seem to be growing, i took it away from the rest as they pushed it away, i thought if i put it alone it would grow, here is a picture of it, the color is RIR. they are both 4 weeks old.
told dh i was going to get a bird cage for her.
good luck cheeka,
i have a problem with a chick, we have 6 peeps born the same day, one of them don't seem to be growing, i took it away from the rest as they pushed it away, i thought if i put it alone it would grow, here is a picture of it, the color is RIR. they are both 4 weeks old.
told dh i was going to get a bird cage for her.
OMGosh! it's so tiny! wonder why?

As I went into Tractor Supply, I thought she had formula on her butt. Her diaper wasn't swollen, and it was cool(no a/c, so still wondering about that) and no smell. I got her the smallest boots and a few other things. Looked at an oversized shirt for her, and wished I'd gotten it. I got her out of the cart, and she was wetter.
Down the chain we went (Chinese food!) and I told her mother (whom doesn't carry extra clothes) I'd see what the Dollar Tree had. I found a dress and mom complained about her diaper showing. I'm not going to respond to that! I bought the tutu and bib. We go to the restaurant, and mom doesn't have wipes. I did. Now I'm in the bathroom without a changing table. I have been there, done that. Strip her down, and she peed a stream on the floor. (Isn't this such an experience?!). Put the diaper on backwards, but was afraid if I turned it around, she'd pee again. The dress was tight, but I got it on. Cleaned everything up, and the day went on. I spent an interesting trip in Walmart with an over tired teething toddler (with horrible diaper rash) spent way too much on Jaz and got home. Her father carried her in, and she took off after the dog. Suddenly her diaper fell off. :-D
With her parents gone, and stuff put away, we put on our boots, and checked for the green egg(no egg).
I must say, this day has been an adventure!
Anyway, I'm explaining why the odd clothes in the picture.
lol MC! most of us have had those kind of days... she is absolutely adorable, and the odder the outfit, the cuter they are! enjoy this, forget about the rest of the family and their idiosyncrasies. she deserves all the love you can give her!
MC, I wouldn't have noticed Jazlyn's outfit if you hadn't said anything! With 2 boys, I never went down the pink aisle at the store. Makes sense to me that she would have on a tutu and boots.

The neighborhood foxes have been coming in the yard at night. Dogs chase them off, or tree them. Last week one must have come in during the day because we lost my sweet little bantam Cochin Minnie Pearl
and now the bantams have to stay locked up all day. They aren't happy. Still letting the big girls out, and they seem safe enough. Minnie Pearl was starting a molt and didn't seem to be feeling too well, so maybe that's why she was targeted. I have many others that I would rather have been eaten. Never seems to work that way.
MC, I wouldn't have noticed Jazlyn's outfit if you hadn't said anything! With 2 boys, I never went down the pink aisle at the store. Makes sense to me that she would have on a tutu and boots.

The neighborhood foxes have been coming in the yard at night. Dogs chase them off, or tree them. Last week one must have come in during the day because we lost my sweet little bantam Cochin Minnie Pearl
and now the bantams have to stay locked up all day. They aren't happy. Still letting the big girls out, and they seem safe enough. Minnie Pearl was starting a molt and didn't seem to be feeling too well, so maybe that's why she was targeted. I have many others that I would rather have been eaten. Never seems to work that way.
Oh I'm sorry W4W.....she is/was beautiful!
Sorry for the poor chicken.
I think Jaz looks cute, but at 12 mos, I can't blame "she wanted to wear that". :)
I'm not sure what I'm going to do about her wardrobe. She has to wear 2T in a bunch of stuff, and 3T isn't a stretch either. I'm looking at 4T snowsuit to get her through the winter!
Ha ha. I still don't believe it is summer. I keep waiting for the two feet of snow every day. I'm stocking up on all supplies now, and trying to stay on top of the weather. The news is calling for hail in the next few days(bad storm moving through). That isn't helping my mindset!

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