Should I buy eggs or wait it out?


I haven't been feeling well the last few hours.
Oh no! Do you have any of those zinc lozenges (Cold-eeze) or even Emergen-C Immune packs, or Airborne? I make my kid take that when he starts feeling bad or starts to get a mild sore throat. Really seems to work well, especially the zinc. Got some cheaper at Walmart under their Equate brand. Zinc Cold Therapy. If you are going to be exposed to kid germs, you might want to get something like that.
You should stock up! Even if you don't usually get sick I personally love emergen c because it's got a lot of vitamins too and they have an immune boosting one. Plus it just tastes good :p though of course don't drink too much haha
Hey everyone. I have been missing for a few days.. The ciprofloxacin is knocking me on my butt. It is also messing with the diabetes. I have been managing to get up and go to work, but I have had to put my head down on my bench when I felt shaky. Yesterday was pretty bad and I felt that it would look wrong if someone walked into the lab, so I went home. Bad thing is... my bladder still hurts.

The North 40 has chicks in!! Whee!!
Now I need to have Rumples or Lil Bit go brood. We are getting some meat chickens and I am sneaking in an EE or two.

Well.... Back to catching up on posts.
Part of the reason I switched out of early childhood education LOL

......Okay, the main reason is all the paperwork you have to do and that I'm too shy to command kids but still lol

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