Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Ron, I didn't get your recipe in time. Duckling was very hungry, and I had to make supper right away. My way wasn't the worst, though it wasn't the best either. I added an egg, and more flour. I sprinkled it with kosher salt.
I am on the hunt for cheap/free wood. It's for my new raised bed garden. I'm pretty darn eggsited.
It will be good for me. HAPPY FRIDAY ALL!!!
Ron, I didn't get your recipe in time. Duckling was very hungry, and I had to make supper right away. My way wasn't the worst, though it wasn't the best either. I added an egg, and more flour. I sprinkled it with kosher salt.
Sounds good!

Pretzels need something like the malt wash to get that "taste" they have. Traditionally lye is use.
they grow up so fast... I had to wait until I was 11 for pierced ears... such a brave girl and she loves them! she got little stars with crystals inside. Her Oma isn't the best photographer, but I'm so happy to have a cute photo to share, I miss her so much and she misses her Cluck Clucks! (and me...)
Below are some pictures of my girls. Buy eggs or wait it out?! They are 21 weeks. Any guesses on how long I'll be waiting? Come on, ladies!!

Below are some pictures of my girls. Buy eggs or wait it out?! They are 21 weeks. Any guesses on how long I'll be waiting? Come on, ladies!!

Hi kzas! The sure look red enough to start any time. Are they showing any other signs? Interested in the nest boxes? Squatting? Your weather and how far north you are can make a difference. They really need the sunlight to turn on the hormones!

By the way, cleanest coop I've ever seen!!!!
I am laughing out loud at my computer right now. I was honestly hesitant to post pic #3 because there is poop on the ground. I'm a freak, but also you would die if you saw my laundry/dishes/mail stack. I will also say the pics with the wyandotte are a bit deceptive, this is the first night any of them have gotten on a roost on their own. Easy to keep it clean when it's 4 feet above their butts. ;)

Thanks for the input. I am getting so excited for them to lay. I'm in Wisconsin, so it's cold and miserable, but we're supposed to have nice weather next week! Hopefully it's all downhill to spring from there.

I also did just buy layer feed, so I'm sure I jinxed myself & they will wait until I buy more of their current feed. Oh well, then I guess I'd just have to buy chicks to eat that food. At least, that's what I've learned around here.
Certainly can't let good food go to waste!

I have all sorts of weird angles in my pics to make it look nicer than it is! Haha! They will christen that roost soon. What are the coop walls made of?

Wisconsin is too cold to even contemplate. I am an admitted weather wimp!

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