Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

How sad that all my typos are because of the voice type thingy.
No one will argue that we all have different opinions on what he does best when how etc. I think we all also know the pros and cons of each feed. Heck, I have a rooster and some people will tell you that I'm killing him by letting him have layer feed. For the reasons that you mentioned already. However, I'm not getting a special food just because I have a rooster. Also, I don't keep my roosters that long. I replace them every few years. Actually, I've always replace them yearly. You can have the same argument about getting a dog chocolate. So, no offense taken by any of us, I'm sure!
Oh, for the people that feed layer feed to chicks, they ought to be shot! In that case, you're supposed to feed starter with oyster shells on the side.
Anyway, I really have to get to bed! Good night, crazy chicken people!
So sweet! What a cute kiddo!

I always say my husband is a bit of a toddler at heart, so it's ironic I have the same photo...
Hahah that's a great story! Do feel bad for Scooter but not really cause it was only a split second and he thinks the chicken did it

I gotta be honest, I wish the cst would WHACK the dog one of these days, claws OUT, and teach him!! Hes a cat and chicken terrorist. The cat runs or if cornered fights with no claws, the chickens used to flock together and ve herded from corner to corner but after one or two times of that now get terrified if he's anywhere near them. About a week ago he approached, not even right next to the run, and an Australorp flew straight up in the air, would have flown out of the 6 foot run if it weren't for the bird netting on top. I pulled him away after that
Your lab Pyrenees mix? I would think he'd be trainable around chickens. Growing up, we had all sorts of dogs- Ridgebacks, lab, bull mastiff, dane, brittany, and others. All of them were good around the chickens and livestock. All sort of rescued by my mom. We did have one cat, Winston, who would constantly ambush and slash at one dog and make her nose bleed. This was the first Ridgeback, and she was really good with all the animals, but that cat was taking her beyond the limits. One day Winston disappeared. Not toooo surprising. Couple of months later, my dad was teasing the dog, asking her where was Winston, what did you do with him? About 15 minutes later, she returned with a dried up piece of gray pelt.
Those Ridgebacks are spooky smart.
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Dang! I would go crazy if my dog had that much energy!! I go crazy when he bugs me to play LOL

He's half Black Lab and half Great Pyrenees so he's kind of conflicted on whether he should eat the chickens or protect them! I honestly think he wants to play though.

I hope they gain courage and peck him LOL

When they moved outside I worked with him briefly (like 2 days ) on something we had practiced briefly before called LAT (look at that) theres also BAT and CAT, there are differences but I forget them, one involves when the dog leaves or youre calm or whatever we can leave and one is when you show calm behavior you get rewarded. Often people combine all 3. LAT you look at it then back at me then get rewarded. He was doing reslly well from a distance, even just around the corner, but then one time I pushed him a little too far and got too close too soon and he dragged me across the yard. Our backyard is small while front is huge so it was only maybe 20 30 feet but it was obnoxious and scared them. I think the other problem was he was doing well so i crouched down so he gained leverage. If I was standing I could have better controlled him. But no matter. He's just not allowed near the chickens and I want to try working with him again but much slower
How sad that all my typos are because of the voice type thingy.
No one will argue that we all have different opinions on what he does best when how etc. I think we all also know the pros and cons of each feed. Heck, I have a rooster and some people will tell you that I'm killing him by letting him have layer feed. For the reasons that you mentioned already. However, I'm not getting a special food just because I have a rooster. Also, I don't keep my roosters that long. I replace them every few years. Actually, I've always replace them yearly. You can have the same argument about getting a dog chocolate. So, no offense taken by any of us, I'm sure!
Oh, for the people that feed layer feed to chicks, they ought to be shot! In that case, you're supposed to feed starter with oyster shells on the side.
Anyway, I really have to get to bed! Good night, crazy chicken people!

Yup, definitely loads of different opinions! Can be overwhelmingat times for a new chicken parent like me cause k think im killing them! I think this will work for us though! :) and oh yeaj, we try not to give the dog chocolate just in case but usually wind up doing it anyway but only small bits. Hes also 130 pounds. The cat (9 pounds) i dont dare try it.

Your lab Pyrenees mix?  I would think he'd be trainable around chickens.  Growing up, we had all sorts of dogs- Ridgebacks, lab, bull mastiff, dane, brittany, and others.  All of them were good around the chickens and livestock. All sort of rescued by my mom.  We did have one cat, Winston, who would constantly ambush and slash at one dog and make her nose bleed.  This was the first Ridgeback, and she was really good with all the animals, but that cat was taking her beyond the limits.  One day Winston disappeared. Not toooo surprising.  Couple of months later, my dad was teasing the dog, asking her where was Winston, what did you do with him?  About 15 minutes later, she returned with a dried up piece of gray pelt.  :/   Those Ridgebacks are spooky smart. 

Hopefully!! I hope yhe Pyr overrides it he behaves more like a pyrenees anyways. Just gotta take the time to trian. And exercise too. And WOW!!! That is a spooky story!!!!
I am dying. I would pay all the money for you to come to Wisconsin and "train" my dogs with the chickens. Hilarious story.

Weimaraners are bird hunters naturally and have an insane amount of energy. A blueberry fell on the floor this morning and Mia spent 10 minutes throwing it frantically around the living room and stomping it. I can't imagine if she got a chicken. Mia used to run at the fence and watch them squawk and fly but one day the rooster pecked at her through the plastic wrap when she came flying in and it scared her. Now she approaches slow and loves to watch, but they don't bother each other.
You are the pet industry's worst nightmare. No expensive fancy dog toys for you! Your dog plays with blueberries!

Favorite cat toy here, a walnut. Zings across the floor really fast and unpredictably, makes lots of noise, and bounces off the baseboards! And very cheap too!
Hopefully!! I hope yhe Pyr overrides it he behaves more like a pyrenees anyways. Just gotta take the time to trian. And exercise too. And WOW!!! That is a spooky story!!!!
I hope the pyrenees genes prove stronger! Not sure how my parents got all the dogs to behave. They were farm dogs. I guess the attitude from my parents was you're lucky to have a home, so you better behave. The only things that weren't safe with the dogs were baby chicks or ducklings. The lab in particular thought chicks were hor d'oeuvres. As soon as they feathered out, no problems.

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