Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Picnic time! So fun. Can't beat scrambled eggs and fruit!

please change your avatar MC. you are such a wonderful person. I hate that you are feeling so down.
I am off to see the surgeon in about 15 minutes. I'm scared that he'll just put me back to work without full consideration of the weight I have to tote. he's a great surgeon, but he is so very quick about everything, must be overbooked... he rarely holds still long enough to ask a question and if I do get one out, he answers it while he's halfway out the door and on his way down the hall... his words trailing behind him...
Same from me. Wish I could give you a real hug, MC!

Good luck with the surgeon, cheeka. From what I've heard, that sounds like fairly typical surgeon behavior. They tend to focus on the body part of concern and not the whole person. Are you walking pretty good now? Can work give you another job to do until you are able to bear weight? Did you get the jeep yet?

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