Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

yesterday, I gave up the Foster Clan.  6 birds.  my workday ran long today so I didn't wrestle with who's next... spent the afternoon in the yard with the flock.  mowed the rest of the lawn, did half yesterday and let the birds out, figuring the loud mower would deter predators.  same for today... everyone is safe.  anyway, I dared to step on the scale.  I weigh 99 lbs.  I don't think I have been under 100 since I was like 10 years old.  I'm a bag of bones and getting worried, which won't help.  I eat lots of fat and protein.  good fat... nuts, avocados... lots of low sugar fruits, and some unhealthy fat like cheese.  I eat at least 7 times a day, pack food for work... had like 9 bantam eggs for supper, hard boiled, egg salad... didn't really feel like cooking meat.  but I did take pork out of the freezer for tomorrow.
hope everyone is enjoying the weather - we finally feel like Spring around here, but we're going to have a frost over the end of the weekend, so no planting til next week...

Extra love.... Sent to you.
yesterday, I gave up the Foster Clan. 6 birds. my workday ran long today so I didn't wrestle with who's next... spent the afternoon in the yard with the flock. mowed the rest of the lawn, did half yesterday and let the birds out, figuring the loud mower would deter predators. same for today... everyone is safe. anyway, I dared to step on the scale. I weigh 99 lbs. I don't think I have been under 100 since I was like 10 years old. I'm a bag of bones and getting worried, which won't help. I eat lots of fat and protein. good fat... nuts, avocados... lots of low sugar fruits, and some unhealthy fat like cheese. I eat at least 7 times a day, pack food for work... had like 9 bantam eggs for supper, hard boiled, egg salad... didn't really feel like cooking meat. but I did take pork out of the freezer for tomorrow.
hope everyone is enjoying the weather - we finally feel like Spring around here, but we're going to have a frost over the end of the weekend, so no planting til next week...

I hope you feel better soon!

You are working with a nutritionist?
thanks for all the hugs and well wishes! it makes a big difference in my state of mind!
technically, with my degree in human anatomy, biology/health education and such... I am a nutritionist. yes, I deliver the mail, but I hated teaching so I didn't "use" my degree... although, I am consulting with one in regards to this more Atkins-like diet that I'm on because I've never had to eat like this and want to make sure that I'm doing it right.
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one opportunity for this photo and I gotcha! near the end of my route... I was looking for red winged black birds, because they are everywhere! but very elusive and teasing me... I settled for the blue jay, but I will get the RWBB photo I want eventually!

on my way home, there was a man trying to help the baby snapper across the road, he didn't know it's important to move them in the direction they are already heading... so I helped, mainly so I could take its photo... really small, size of my hand, so cute!

I highly recommend Now Brand True Calm. it's Valerian root and B vitamins. I wasn't sure how well I would absorb it, sometimes I don't absorb B vitamins at all, been that way for years, but it worked. I enjoyed free range and was very calm but not sleepy from the Valerian. temps in the 70's, bright blue skies... it was so wonderful.

I still have too many chickens, but I'm having a hard time choosing who should be relinquished. making some headway on fencing materials... maybe I can keep the rest, but I know that isn't very realistic, but I have given up 14 hens/pullets and 4 cockerels.

the lilacs are starting to open down in the valley, still a ways to go on the hilltop, but I have hundreds and hundreds of blooms... the lily of the valley are also blooming, but my one photo was blurry, I'll try again tomorrow...
Those chickens are sure enjoying their bath in the sun!

I spent about 3 hrs today giving Scooter a trim. It was long overdue when I messed up my back last month, so it was pretty bad, poor guy. Lots of mats and fox tails. Luckily the mats weren't tight yet and none of the fox tails got under the skin, but they were poking him in spots.

Say goodbye to this Scooter...

and hello to the new and improved Lamby (because he looks like a shorn sheep)

What else is a workbench for? Covered with hair now!

note the bucket o'hair.
Lucky chickens!! How have you been? Haven't seen you on here lately.
i have been fine, hubbie got lime disease so been taken care of him, he was bad there for awhile, we now have one of our daughters here, hopeing to find a place here in Delaware to live but is handiecap so it is hard on ssi to find one, we are down to 25 chickens now, but that is ok with me for now, I would like to get some peeps but hubbie said wait till he is better as it got to much for me to take care of every thing. right now I have my 2 sisters visiting have not been al 3 together in 10 years so it is nice
So sorry to hear about your husband getting lyme disease. From everything I have heard, it sounds like quite an ordeal to treat. Hope he is feeling better soon. Have fun with your sisters! It's wonderful that you were all able to get together. I bet they are enjoying your fresh eggs for breakfast.

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