Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

OK, in addition to the chicken treat cookbook, you also need to write a children's book, with illustrations, about adventures with chickens! Reminds me of books by Bill Peet that I used read to my boys when they were little, and we loved them, but he never wrote about a chicken as a main character.
Such talent should not be wasted!
OK, in addition to the chicken treat cookbook, you also need to write a children's book, with illustrations, about adventures with chickens! Reminds me of books by Bill Peet that I used read to my boys when they were little, and we loved them, but he never wrote about a chicken as a main character.
Such talent should not be wasted!
Mine are attempts. cheeka has the talent. I'll keep trying cause its fun.
So I went back to bed its still the middle of the night
When another scream woke me at the dawns early light
Not alarmed this time, I heard this before
My chicken turned peacock wanting out the door
Trying to fall back to sleep well no such luck
I next got presented with a warning cluck
That one was Roger I know him so well
He saying feed breakfast or there will be hell
Next comes the egg songs real loud and clear
Fake of course but they know I can hear.
OK....YOU WIN..I'm outta bed
When I get to the coop you will all be dead
Nothing will save you but first have a treat.
Awww..look you laid eggs your all so sweet

SEVEN.....Today we laid seven
You must be stacking up the cartons with all those eggs! Gotta admit, you got me on the Guess the rooster, I half expected to see a nice game roo there, at least half hoping cause nobody on tis forum seems to know what they are! Bet that splash bawkzer is somewhat game. Next time I will check who started it all....
i'm working on the next poetic installment... gimme an hour or so... lol

i totally agree that we should approach the idea of coon AND rat treats for chickens, it would be so beneficial, and as far as the rats go... i don't think the PETA folks would be too chuffed...

The Dawn is Breaking
The Night is at End
It's Time to Sing
For Our Very Best Friend!

A Few Perp~Perp~Perps
A Bok, Maybe Two
It's Enough to Rouse
Dear Ole Dad, Our True Blue!

He Rushes to See Us
Such a Smile on His Face
We're Ready and Waiting
Not an Egg Out of Place!

As Dad Counts Up our Eggs
We All Puff Up With Pride
As Dad Counts the Last One
His Eyes Open Wide!

"There's No Telling How...
But This is Just Great"
You Girls are Amazing
I've Just Counted Eight!
You must be stacking up the cartons with all those eggs! Gotta admit, you got me on the Guess the rooster, I half expected to see a nice game roo there, at least half hoping cause nobody on tis forum seems to know what they are! Bet that splash bawkzer is somewhat game. Next time I will check who started it all....
I got 4 or 5 dozen in the refrigerator right now. Those four Golden Comets never miss a day laying. Still looking for that perfect eight egg day. I think they eat one of them every time they lay eight just to mess with me. The rooster lol.....I figured you would have one of those

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