Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

OK! I'm still beaming
It will be fun now. She might lay again tomorrow or she may skip a day or two. One of the other ones may lay. You might find a double yolk egg. Every day will be a surprise. Have fun and keep us posted. ONE
ONE.......Today Wilma laid ONE......
2 roosting on the far end, 3 roosting on the handle, 2 in the child seat, 4 roosting on each side, 4 in the cart, and 4 underneath... 19 in my shopping cart, so 38 if I can borrow someone's banty's! I wanna take wilma shopping, she needs wattlerings.
The long wait is over. How eggsiting! Wilma comes through for you.
What breed is she?

I think the others will start soon. Chickens are such copy-cats!

Monkey see, monkey do.
Wilma laid an egg and we will too.
We saw what to do and we know how,
Time for us to get busy now!
Hold on mom, just a bit more,
and you'll never have to buy eggs from the store!
We promise!!
Very soon!!
Thanks for the pie!!
Love, from your girls!!
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Wilma is a Barred Rock. I found another a few minutes ago, shell-less, and too soon for Miss Wilma, which means I have another starting! the other BR, Betty, and 1 of 2 RIR's, Rose, is right behind Wilma with behavior, so it must be one of those 2... I just don't know which one... the others seem like they are weeks away still, they aren't squatting and are not more than pink in the face...
I'm not worried about the lack of shell, they have good layer feed and oyster shell, and Pie... of course... it's expected that they will work out the kinks in their newly operating egg mechanisms... :D
I'll have to get with the program and write a poem for my Wilma Baby...
Most of mine lay just at daybreak. So you might get another one this morning. You can now "Wait it out" and your egg buying days should be over. The shell-less egg is no concern your right about that. Did you stay up all night celebtating? Never see you this early. Now I have to get with the program
Funny thing, I got a few chickens several years ago, for eggs, and for bugs, and just to have the latest count is 64, and that's never accurate because they free range and there's always a little group hiding out somewhere, or one will circle the coup and reappear and i think, hey, I just counted you. All the broody pens are cleared out for winter fresh bedding all around, and I'm happy to see the little ones taking advantage of the extra space. I tried counting them in the coop and they start protesting the flashlight, then start moving around. It's a bit of a zoo. This spring I plan to have a system in place for who hatches whose eggs, and limit the number better.
Poor Red. I was up early (he was too, but the girls sleep through his crowing) thanks to the dog, so I brought out the treats (cabbage, ricotta cheese,, and a few pieces of dog kibble) and got them up. I hear a commotion when I turn on the light, and there is Red. First thing on HIS mind was baby making! He couldn't catch a hen for anything! Sad since there were five standing around. The others are babies, and he obviously wouldn't touch them ... For another month anyway. It was so sad. He never did get any.

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