Should I get more?


9 Years
Jul 9, 2010
Right now I have 5 chickens and a 4 by 8 coop. I feel like it is a waste of space, so do you think I should get more chickens? Some of my friends have had huge problems with new chickens getting along with old ones. I'm not sure if I'm willing to risk that with my flock, so for all of you out there who have added to your flock (which is probably the majority of you) please tell me how it went for you and any strategies for getting the old and new to get along. I am not desperate for more chickens, but I do have the extra space... and I would like a white cochin... and a black sumatra....and a Lakenvelder....(etc)
Do the chicken math!

Get 'em only if you Want them!

I let mine out at noon every day except when the weather is really bad, & even then I just open the door so they can come and go as they please.

I adopted about 20 chickens that were being kept in separate pens, & when I got I just put em all in together.
They never really fought & only once in a while will there be a scuffle, but I figure it is only
because they can get out & free-range.
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