Should I get my rooster a hen if he’s constantly crowing n lonely?


Apr 23, 2023
My roo grew up around a flock but all but him were killed by a mink. So, as he got older he started crowing. Yes, it was funny and cute but he . Won’t . Stop. I love him, I really do.
He helps keep the predators away even if it’s a big ass dog he’ll protect his land.

So, should I get him a few lady’s to keep him quiet? Or is it something else I need to do. Getting rid of him isn’t a option. He may be annoying, but I love him
Chickens are flock animals, it is inhumane to keep them alone unless they are okay with spending time with humans or different animals.
My rooster is fine around my ducks, I was just curious if he’d be more interested in chickens mainly- sorry if I worded the post wrong
My rooster is fine around my ducks, I was just curious if he’d be more interested in chickens mainly- sorry if I worded the post wrong
I see. I was thinking exactly what @JacinLarkwell said: even though they may be similar because they are both avians, that does not make them able to understand each other in the way the same species would. Your rooster feels lonely.

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