Should I get Seramas or Japanese Bantams?

I have to admit that I've learned so much about breeds of chickens that I never knew existed until I Joined backyard chickens. So Baladi's are on the same line as our barn yard mixes. My flock is mainly Buff Orpingtons and Welsummers with one Speckled Sussex and my young Old English Game Bantams. I've gotten some really nice chickens from the BO/Welly crosses. The hens are good layers and the roosters big robust fellows. My main goal is to have a flock of mix breed birds.

I've really fallen for my OEGB youngsters. Tonight, I went out to lock up and pick up eggs and one of the little pullets kept flying down from the highest roost and sitting on my head. She did that twice and the second time actually wiped her little beak on my hair. I told her I could stand being used as a perch but not a napkin. They are just such silly little birds. I'm sure whatever you find will you will love. And you are right. Not playing gender bingo will save you a lot of time and probably in the long run, money.

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