Should i hatch duck eggs or chicken eggs?

First decide which you want. I suggest chickens; ducks are way more work and more prone to illnesses, and you will need a water source / large pool and a ton of patience. Getting chickens or ducks isn’t something to just be taken lightly; you need a plan. Once you figure out which you want, get a brooder ready, have a plan to build a coop once they reach 8 to 10 weeks. You also need to have a plan for any roosters you may get. Research is key - know what you’re getting yourself into.
First decide which you want. I suggest chickens; ducks are way more work and more prone to illnesses, and you will need a water source / large pool and a ton of patience. Getting chickens or ducks isn’t something to just be taken lightly; you need a plan. Once you figure out which you want, get a brooder ready, have a plan to build a coop once they reach 8 to 10 weeks. You also need to have a plan for any roosters you may get. Research is key - know what you’re getting yourself into.
i dont find ducks more work other than if you want to have a boy in with the others than thatll be hard
There is a lot more that goes into it than just putting them in the backyard. This forum is full of great information about starting your flock. I would start there before attempting incubation (assuming you’ve never raised chickens or ducks before). But to answer your question.....chickens. I found ducks more difficult to keep in my experience. Again read some of the threads on both and see what you think is best for you :) and Welcome to BYC!!

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