should i help this chick?


10 Years
Nov 26, 2009
Rhode Island
i have a chick that started piping at 8am 4 1/2 hours ago, the pip hasn't gotten any bigger, should i help get him out or just let him be?
No, don't mess with it!!!!!

My chicks usually take hours and hours to go from tiny pip to hatch. I'm talking anywhere from 8-24 hours.

Don't even think about assisting til that pip has been there 24 hours.
No, don't mess with it!!!!!

My chicks usually take hours and hours to go from tiny pip to hatch. I'm talking anywhere from 8-24 hours.

Don't even think about assisting til that pip has been there 24 hours.

X2 I have had some that took 30+ hours to hatch
X2 I have had some that took 30+ hours to hatch

X3, I did not help my last chick to hatch until after 36 hrs (it was the first one to pip and never progressed, although there was a lot of effort going on in the shell). Then I could visibly see that he was starting to shrink wrap. Helping before all of the veins are have receded will kill the chick. Give him time to get out on his own.

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