Erin Brotherson

Oct 18, 2017
Hey guys,

Me and my partner are new to the world of incubation. We started with 7 eggs 30 days ago and We have reason to believe that only 2 are still kicking as they're showing signs of movement and have both internally piped. One of the eggs has cracked the outer shell (not poked through enough to make a breathing hole) almost 24 hours ago now we were wonder when and if we should interfere ? The second egg pipped early this morning and isn't moving to much as well.
What kind of eggs are these ? 30 days ago? chicken eggs only take 21 to 24 days to hatch.
I think at this point you want to make sure that the chick has an air hole so it doesn't drown in side the egg .
you need to talk to Sally Sunshine she is an expert at this .
but it sounds to me like you got to do something.
If you could get some "poly-vi-sol drops" that's an infant vitamin a liquid. "without iron "
that's important "without iron".
if you can get the chicks mouth to a point where it's open enough drop a drop of poly-vi-sol into the chicks open mouth it will give them energy to keep trying to hatch. it sounds to me like they're slowing down and they need more energy. you can get it at Walmart or probably Kmart any of those 24-hour stores . it would be in the pharmacy section under infant vitamins . make sure you get the "poly VI Sol without iron". just give them one drop put it on a Q-tip or something or if it comes with a dropper in the bottle. just give them one drop into their beak.
I'll need to buy some supplements for them, hoping a pet store might stock some usful products. I feel so bad for the little guys the first one has tried so hard to make a hole in the shell with no result he's cracked about a 10 cent piece size of egg thus far surely over the past 24 hours.
Ducklings take much longer to hatch than chicks do... sounds like your temps might have been a touch low as well... that will delay hatching and their progress...

What type of incubator are you using? Still air or circulated? What has the temp been?

If you have a feed store nearby, most carry Nutridrench Poultry vitamins, that would be cheaper than PolyViSol drops if they are needed...
Many hours later and after much research we decided to assist and removed a tiny bit of cracked shell to take a peek inside and give our duck some air. We noticed the membrane had shrink wrapped our duck and it was quite distressed/weak so we continued to help. Our ducks now under the heat lamp trying it's best to stand and getting stronger with every passing moment. We haven't touched the other egg yet we're waiting to see more movement.

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