Should I keep my rooster?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 11, 2013
I'm trying to decide whether or not to keep my rooster. He is a very small black Old English who is about 3 1/2 - 4 months old. How successful would he be trying to breed my large hens like my Rhode Island Reds or my Black Sex Links? I wouldn't mind if he and my blue Old English hen raised chicks but I'm not really sure what to do with him. He's too small to eat and I have tried giving him away to a neighbor but she didn't want him because of how small he is. I'm not really sure what I should do because I really didn't want any roosters when I started with my chickens. Any advice please?

Here's a picture of him with my blue hen.
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If he were mine, I would keep him as long as a rooster is allowed at your home. He may try to breed the large hens, but may be too small to 'make contact'.
A good natured rooster is always good to have around so long as the crowing does not bother you or your neighbors.
We live out in the country on an 8.5 acre lot so keeping him isn't a problem. I just want more eggs to eat than to hatch.

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