Should I not let them do this?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 19, 2010
Quad Cities Area
I just put my pullets out in their new coop on Saturday. It has been around 70 during the day and gets down to mid to upper 40's overnight. I have a thermometer in the coop and it says it is about 62 in there when I open the pop door in the mornings. My question is, they have all 4 been sleeping in one of the nest boxes. Should I block these off and not let them sleep in there. I know they are huddled in there to stay warm, but is this bad to let them get in the habit of sleeping in there for later on when they will start to lay? They are also pooping in there as chickens do.

I have a roost, do you think it is too high?


I have set them up there and they just jump off after a few minutes. Should I just keep putting them up there after I close them in for the night? And also block off the nest boxes. (I am asking for it if I do this.) They will be giving me the eye.
I'd leave them alone and let them do as they wish.....what harm are they causing?

If they are hatchmates, that have grown up together, they're probably not huddling in the nest box for warmth, they're doing it for the companionship they've grown up with.

In time, they'll start sleeping on the roost...
I agree 100% with BCSilkies. Please stop trying to control mother nature. Try to stay away from the coop for a week or two and don't watch them. They're just fine. Relax.
I have only been out there to let them out and shut them in. I just didn't know if it was a good idea to let them start sleeping in the nest box. I don't want them pooping in there when they start laying.
They are young and cold. I would either give them some heat at night, let them sleep in the nest box or block the nest boxes and give them an alternative sleeping box or hover, to keep them warmer. Even a cardboard box, open top down, with a door cut in it, would make a nice little sleeping box for them. Just something to hold in their body heat for a couple of weeks, until they feather out a little more and the weather warms up.
I dont know... my chickens started sleeping in the nest boxes, and I left them alone as many here suggest. Now, 4 years later, they sleep and poop in the nest boxes and lay eggs on the ground.... and yes, they have roosts.

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