Should I, or shouldn't I? A question more than 15 years old for me...

I was back in the dating world for the past year after a 10 year relationship. I cant tell you what to do but looking at what you said if I were you I would pass him by because 1, he cant support a family 2, very spoiled child who doesnt get along with your children 3, he has no desire to better him self or his situation and he seems very immature. If it comes up again go ahead and tell him you value him as a great friend and wouldnt want to take a chance on ruining it.
I agree with a previous poster and think you have answered your own question by the length and magnitude of scrutiny in that post.
He seems toxic to me.
If you truly had romantic thoughts of him you would speak of nothing but your love and adoration for this man and what he could mean to you and what he has meant to you emotionally thru your life. I didnt get that sense very much from reading your posts. You seem to be trying to convince yourself there is a reason to let him into your life when your own common sense and better judgement is telling you otherwise.
the guy sounds like a complete idiot..any man that would talk like that about my child would be out the door pretty quick.
I've read and re-read your post. I wanted so much to be able to tell you to go for it. Instead, I'm going to tell you not to. This is not the right man for you. I'm happy that you have a close friendship with him but, that is where it needs to stay, friendship and friendship only. You deserve so much more than he can offer you.
Friends, yes! Nothing more, not even in bed...that would create a very sticky subject. Do not go there! Plantonic relationships do not last long and it creates very ugly situations among friends.

I agree with the friends in here, he is simply not the right guy for you. In due time, once you get your degree, there will be someone out there for you. Don't look too hard otherwise you have passed up some wonderful guy who was waiting in the wings for you. Above all, do not lie to yourself or to him. Be honest!
I think you're feeling some stirrings that may be guiding you that it's time to open yourself to exploring relationships and that there may be something wonderful waiting to develop in your life.

Facts seem to indicate that B. would not be a good one to develop a real relationship with. Temptingly convenient and easy and at-times pleasurable, though. But cutting you off from true fulfillment and satisfactory unity.

It is probably time to do some initially awkward, arduous and uncomfortable extending into meeting and relating with some new men with whom you could have good potential for a future that would be good for each other and your children.

Sigh--uncomfortable when facing initial effort, I know from personal experience
. But not so bad once you step into it a few times. It feels less intimidating then.

Best wishes for a blessed future you haven't yet even imagined! Good for you trying to carefully and realistically consider choices!
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