should I pull this scab off?

@KaleIAm Thanks again for your generous offer. I ordered the fish antibiotics. Do you think I should also try your meds along with that? I would be happy to pick it up from you.

Regarding substrate, arghhhh! I started with straw, some shavings mixed in, and river rock pebbles around the pond area. When I got my first bumble I freaked out and took out the pebbles and put in sand around the pond. That was a disaster. It was constantly wet, wouldn't drain, and so hard with poop. You would literally have to scoop the poop off the top of it several times a day, replacing the sand constantly. I got some more bumbles so figured maybe it wasn't the pebbles after all and I put them back and it's way easier to keep clean as I can easily hose them off several times a day. I switched to wood shavings in their sleeping area because it became so hard to scoop poop out of straw. It's an area much smaller than yours, so I clean it every morning. And, the last time I got straw at the beginning of summer, it was the coarsest straw I'd ever seen. Huge long pieces and sharp. I wouldn't even put it in their coop and stuck it in my garden instead. It's hit or miss with the straw, which I get from the Issaquah Grange. Sometimes it's soft and like a more chopped straw, which is awesome, but there's no way of knowing what type you're going to get when you buy it there. And putting straw right up to the edge of the pond was so messy also as it got so wet and they were constantly getting it in the water. That's how I've arrived at river rock and wood shavings, which I thought lots of people use for their ducks. My ducks do go out a couple times a day and also walk on soft grass and also regular wood chips, which they love to dig in and I can't keep them out of since they're all over my property. I will have to think on this issue as I HATE dealing with bumblefoot. Where do you get your straw?
Whenever I had bumbles the vet always gave me metacam - the medicine I'm offering. I'm not sure if it just helps the bird feel less pain or if reducing the inflammation helps with healing, too. But if you are going to give medication anyway it won't be that much harder to give one more at the same time. And this one is only one daily! I hate the idea of my ducks being in pain so I always gave it to them for less severe bumbles.

I completely understand about the drainage issue. We used to have this lovely pea gravel set up with pipes underneath. I just hosed the poop right off! It was amazing. I was disappointed to get rid of it all.

That sounds really frustrating about the sand. Ugh. Actually, my vet told me that a thick layer of sand would be ok for their feet, but we were worried about crop impaction if they ate it. But your sand experience was horrible so now I'm really glad I never tried it!

Straw quality can vary for me as well. Hay tends to be reliable, but is twice as expensive. Usually I use whatever straw is available, unless it is just awful then I just buy the cheapest hay they have. I buy mine from the hardware store in Carnation. This summer they sometimes don't have any! Their supplier can't always meet their demands, so you may want to call ahead if you buy from there.

Straw is harder to work with than wood shavings. I completely agree. I really liked that about wood shavings, it was so easy to spot clean. But I'll struggle with wads of poopy straw instead of bumblefoot.

I wonder if there is someone that sells chopped straw? It does work much better. Maybe First Fruits?
@KaleIAm Thanks Kale. I will have to think on going back to straw and maybe will try to look and see what it's like at First Fruits tomorrow. I started an offline conversation with you regarding maybe trying your meds. Thanks!

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