Should I relocate this predator?

Be warned! Once these predators consider your home as their "territory" it is highly unlikely that rehoming them ANYWHERE will show any long term success. I have personally known them to migrate from Alaska, Nebraska, Wyoming and California all the way to Washington. We currently have been invaded by an adult of the species. It re-established residence over a year ago! They often will leave for long periods, only to return to forage. They can be found pilfering household items, as well as turning on washers, driers and other appliances for little or no known reasons. They seem to gravitate to light, and constantly turn on lights throughout the house. Repeated attempts to conserve energy are to NO avail by you. Lights and electric items will be turned on as soon as you leave the room. Monetary bribes can temporarily provide relief, but this predator will continue to return. The best one can do is feed them and make shrill nagging like noises, in hopes that their stay is short and they find another person to torment.
Of course I do. 1 is for my tiny poodles. 1 is for my turkeys but soon to be bunnies. and 1 is for the other bunny that should kindle 3 days later.
Hey, I'm going to get some of those for my classroom this fall. I wonder if I could get my teacher team to use them in place of the shock collars.
I will say that you need to think seriously about rehoming them permanently....if you are successful in them never coming back, you'll miss out on seeing their cute little offspring...that is the reward for not disposing of them as teenagers!!
One of the cute little offspring just left.....ate everything in the cupboards and freezer! We were becoming attached (cute age) and he up and left. We've heard he's established other territories in several homes.....and makes the rounds.
i had one of those then she left found a mate had 2 cubs and one on the way i think she only comes over now to drop off her brood and run. But the refrigerator has paw prints all over it and my doggie bag is gone!

darn it she's struck again!
Looking back I think I remember something about them going completely DEAF to certain voice tones and commands. Miraculously hearing returns at feeding times and when they reach about 18 years old. And sometimes an actual human re-appears.

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