Should I take him out?

Nanny Kim

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
I have one little guy hatched out at about 7:15 tonight it's now almost 11 should I take him out of the incubator and move him into the brooder or just leave him alone for the night? I really thought I had a very early bird but after looking it up here bantams hatch earlier then other chickens so he was still in the rack when he was cheeping.
I have one little guy hatched out at about 7:15 tonight it's now almost 11 should I take him out of the incubator and move him into the brooder or just leave him alone for the night? I really thought I had a very early bird but after looking it up here bantams hatch earlier then other chickens so he was still in the rack when he was cheeping.
Thats crazy, bc my LF hatched first and my smaller eggs and banties hatched last-- I would leave him in for the night-- him climbing on the other eggs and chirping will motivate everyone else to come out and play
Good Luck!! I was a nervous wreck the last few days(my guys decided to really test my nerves and waited til day 25!! yes, 25 -- I kept excellent

My advice, get a good comfy seat ready and lots and lots of coffee...

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