Should I vaccinate and medicate new chicks under broody


Mar 3, 2021
Hi everyone. I'm posting here as well since this is concerning diseases and I really need help making a decision today since this is day 3 for the oldest chick. My broody hen unexpectedly hatched 3 chicks over the past 2.5 days and I don't know whether or not I should vaccinate them for Mareks and feed them medicated feed or have them vaccinated for cocci (although I wouldn't even know how or where to do this). What do most people do and how safe is each decision? Can chickens raised out in the elements develop immunity or natural defenses against these diseases?

So, to my most urgent question - is it too late to vaccinate them for Mareks and Cocci? They haven't left the nesting box of the Eglu. Should I feed them medicated chick feed? Right now I am giving them Scratch & Peck Organic chick starter. I really want to understand the risk - seems like these diseases are so hard to understand. I've read some people say that because they don't bring in other birds and are careful with their clothing etc that they're aren't concerned about Mareks or Cocci entering where they keep their chickies, but then others say the wind carries it and it's everywhere/unavoidable, and in the dirt and carried by wildlife. What is the real deal? How prevalent are these diseases, and can the chicks build an immunity to cocci on their own? What do all you do? feed medicated or vaccinate for cocci, or nothing? do you vaccinate for Mareks? I hate this worrying.

Apologies for the frantic language and the really bad grammar - I'm exhausted. I thought "I'll just leave it to the Mama" but of course, now I'm a nervous wreck. Thanks in advance for any and all help/suggestions/recommendations
No it’s not to late to vacniate to Mareks if there over 5 days old than yes if I were you I would vaccinate for mareks especially because it’s a deadly disease that has no treatment after catching it. Mareks vaccination doesn’t fully stop it but it does help protect angist it. Also it’s never to late to start protecting angist coccidious I would do it as early as possible because I’ll I post half my chicks and only 3 are standing alive because of coccidous and me being careless. Also make sure your brooder and coop is clean try to clean everyday as possible or every weeks it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Thank you, thank you for your response. This is what I needed to hear. I'm so sorry about your losses - that's so hard, but I am so grateful to you for sharing since it's a lesson learned that you're sharing with me. I have a story of loss and if it can save others, I share too.
So, for cocci, which is best - medicated feed or vaccination? I understand they have different mechanisms of protection to the chicks. Also, any idea how to vaccinate for Mareks? I'll call a local avian vet
Mareks vaccination doesn’t fully stop it but it does help protect angist it.
Marek's vaccination masks the symptoms, but does not prevent the bird from getting it.

The Marek's vaccine must be administered when the chicks are a day old. It's a bit too late to vaccinate the chicks for that now.

It's best to administer the coccidiosis vaccine at 1-3 days of age.

Unfortunately, it sounds like you're a bit too late to vaccinate the chicks against both of these illnesses.

Marek's vaccination masks the symptoms, but does not prevent the hen from getting it.

The Marek's vaccine must be administered when the chicks are a day old. It's a bit too late to vaccinate the chicks for that now.

It's best to administer the coccidiosis vaccine at 1-3 days of age.

Unfortunately, it sounds like you're a bit too late to vaccinate the chicks against both of these illnesses.

Thanks for your response - if too late to vaccinate for cocci, would it be beneficial to give medicated feed? I don't understand the strict deadlines. I understand that the thought is that chicks will be exposed to both as soon as it's in their environment but would it hurt to vaccinate them after exposure? and we're assuming they've been exposed but what if they haven't yet and I fail to protect them assuming it's too late to vaccinate/medicate? Or is there some other reason the recommendation is to vaccinate on the first day or days 1-3 only?
Marek's vaccination masks the symptoms, but does not prevent the bird from getting it.

The Marek's vaccine must be administered when the chicks are a day old. It's a bit too late to vaccinate the chicks for that now.

It's best to administer the coccidiosis vaccine at 1-3 days of age.

Unfortunately, it sounds like you're a bit too late to vaccinate the chicks against both of these illnesses.

Also, a little more info:

Cocci are any spherical bacteria, and Coccidia are the bacteria that cause the illness coccidiosis.

The Marek's vaccine also makes the vaccinated bird a carrier of the virus; it's possible for any unvaccinated bird to get it from a vaccinated bird.

Thanks for your response - if too late to vaccinate for cocci, would it be beneficial to give medicated feed? I don't understand the strict deadlines. I understand that the thought is that chicks will be exposed to both as soon as it's in their environment but would it hurt to vaccinate them after exposure? and we're assuming they've been exposed but what if they haven't yet and I fail to protect them assuming it's too late to vaccinate/medicate? Or is there some other reason the recommendation is to vaccinate on the first day or days 1-3 only?
I didn't give mine medicated feed, and they're not vaccinated for Marek's or coccidiosis. They've never had problems with either. You can if you want to have that extra layer of protection. I'd not vaccinate now, I'm not an expert but both of those links are from very well known and trusted hatcheries that have years of experience with this.

I'll try to dig up some more info, one minute...
Okay. It's possible to vaccinate older birds for Marek's, but it's not as effective or even useless in older birds because they've already been exposed so the virus is already present in their systems.

There's not a lot of more conclusive information about coccidiosis vaccines in older birds, but I gather it's the same sort of situation as the Marek's vaccine; it's not as effective after more than a day after hatch because they've already been exposed.

I'd feed the chicks medicated feed if you're really worried about coccidiosis.

Hope this helps!
Marek's vaccination masks the symptoms, but does not prevent the bird from getting it.

The Marek's vaccine must be administered when the chicks are a day old. It's a bit too late to vaccinate the chicks for that now.

It's best to administer the coccidiosis vaccine at 1-3 days of age.

Unfortunately, it sounds like you're a bit too late to vaccinate the chicks against both of these illnesses.

It agree with you on everything but it’s not to late to vacniate on coccidous it still can get prevented. I agree it works best on 1~ 3 days buts she could still get them vacniated.
It agree with you on everything but it’s not to late to vacniate on coccidous it still can get prevented. I agree it works best on 1~ 3 days buts she could still get them vacniated.
It's pretty much useless now, if the chicks have been around other birds then they've been exposed to coccidia. She'll be fine with medicated feed.
guys, thank you sooooooo much! this is all so helpful. I read and read but honestly, this is the type of situation where anecdotal evidence really supports the decision making process!
@topochico225 may I ask, have you raised new and unvaccinated babies around your older chickens, and not vaccinated or treated. I understand that just because it worked for you, doesn't mean it'll work for me, but it's helpful for me to know what others' experiences are since it gives a more real life picture. Were any of your chickens ever vaccinated for Mareks?
and seriously?! Vaccinating for Mareks makes them carriers? That would be so crazy for the lady who sold them to me since she brings in new vaccinated chicks all the time to be around her unvaccinated flock.... Either she's been really lucky or she's just really unethical and not disclosing illnesses within her flock, or she just doesn't know if Mareks is affecting them. UGH so much conflicting information - it's really hard to know the right decision. I think that I'll definitely give them medicated feed, since that can't hurt, right? any downsides to feeding medicated feed? As for the Mareks vaccine, I have two hens who've been vaccinated living this whole time with the unvaccinated Mama Hen - does that mean she's been exposed and is now living with Mareks?
guys, thank you sooooooo much! this is all so helpful. I read and read but honestly, this is the type of situation where anecdotal evidence really supports the decision making process!
@topochico225 may I ask, have you raised new and unvaccinated babies around your older chickens, and not vaccinated or treated. I understand that just because it worked for you, doesn't mean it'll work for me, but it's helpful for me to know what others' experiences are since it gives a more real life picture. Were any of your chickens ever vaccinated for Mareks?
and seriously?! Vaccinating for Mareks makes them carriers? That would be so crazy for the lady who sold them to me since she brings in new vaccinated chicks all the time to be around her unvaccinated flock.... Either she's been really lucky or she's just really unethical and not disclosing illnesses within her flock, or she just doesn't know if Mareks is affecting them. UGH so much conflicting information - it's really hard to know the right decision. I think that I'll definitely give them medicated feed, since that can't hurt, right? any downsides to feeding medicated feed? As for the Mareks vaccine, I have two hens who've been vaccinated living this whole time with the unvaccinated Mama Hen - does that mean she's been exposed and is now living with Mareks?
Mama hen could possibly have been exposed.

Yes, I hatched 2 Mille Fleur d'Uccle chicks in April and they live in a separate run than my 3 vaccinated hens (2 Red Stars and a RIR), but the hens will frequently come lay next to the run in the sun. So yes, I have successfully raised the unvaccinated chicks around the adults. I didn't put the chicks outside until they were like 9-10 weeks old, because we kept going on trips and it was simpler for the pet sitter when they were in an indoor brooder.

I had no problems with coccidiosis with the chicks, and I hope it'll stay that way!

If I were you, I'd feed medicated feed. I didn't, because I try to raise a flock without synthetic materials as much as possible (I ALWAYS use a chemical dewormer, though), but in your situation I would.

Check this out: sure to feed a,protection may not be needed.

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