Should I worry?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 26, 2014
My 3 hens are approximately 26 weeks old and have not layed yet. Hot, hot summer weather is going now. Should they start soon? Should I be feeding oyster shell? I read not to start layer feed until they start laying..words of wisdom greatly appreciated!
I wouldn't worry too much. It is true that many birds do being laying by the age of 20-22 weeks, but just as many wait longer. The age of egg laying varies with each individual bird, and can depend on its genetics, environmental conditions, diet, etc. I suspect that your birds will begin laying within a month.

You can begin feeding oystershell if you want. You could even begin feeding layer feed--your pullets are at the age where their systems are nearly mature and can handle higher calcium.
start the laying feed. it shouldnt be long.
Thanks BantamLover 21 and Granny Hatchet! My 3 girls are Buffy the Buff Orp., Rhett the RIR, and Smokey the Ausralorp. Gretl the Wyandotte is the house chicken and not sure if she will lay, as she is the one dog-mauled in June. It hasn't affected her appetite, and I'll start all of them on oystershell and layer feed as you suggested. I'll be sure to post a photo of the first egg!
Well, I can't seem to get a photo to load! I touched the landscape logo and then the upload from my device and touched the photo I wanted to send, but it didn't work..not sure now how to add a photo..(was the girls in August)

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