Should I?

Welcome! Chickens are awesome and addictive (once you experience their wonderful personalities you will mostly want more). Try to know what the `maximum`is for your space and aim for that when building. Or you may end up with endlessly trying to keep up with an expanding flock. LOL I never want to be a part of the world where `too many chickens`is a thing.
Hi everyone.

I couldn't have chickens where I used to live, and now I can, and I want to have chickens, and now I'm terrified to have chickens, so I am planning to do it anyway.

I need a coop and run, a brooder with side doors (because I want my chicks to feel safe with me as they grow), and I'm nowhere close to started on any of it, so I will learn, and think and read.

So far, I've got nothing.
Starting from "scratch".

Glad to be here. Your advice is gold.
you should start with a Plymouth Barred Rock rooster (in my experience, they are good breeding roos, but not as aggressive toward people), and as for the hens, you could go with more Plymouth, or for a more varied and colorful flock, try Australorps, Easter Eggers, Americaunas, and Silkies 😁
you should start with a Plymouth Barred Rock rooster (in my experience, they are good breeding roos, but not as aggressive toward people), and as for the hens, you could go with more Plymouth, or for a more varied and colorful flock, try Australorps, Easter Eggers, Americaunas, and Silkies 😁
I'm not allowed roosters where I live, and am only supposed to have 5 chickens.

Otoh, the lady down the street has 2 roosters and 17 chickens, so we'll see.:D

I'll be dealing with Frey's hatchery (Ontario, Canada), and I see they have the Barred Plymouth rock, so I might get one.

Do any of you recommend Sex-Link birds?
I'm not allowed roosters where I live, and am only supposed to have 5 chickens.

Otoh, the lady down the street has 2 roosters and 17 chickens, so we'll see.:D

I'll be dealing with Frey's hatchery (Ontario, Canada), and I see they have the Barred Plymouth rock, so I might get one.

Do any of you recommend Sex-Link birds?
the black ones are pretty, but if you want to be hatching eggs, I would get an auto breed like the Cream Legbar, because as long as you keep breeding for the traits, you can tell males from females by color after the first generation. with a linked trait, it is easier for the traits to be diluted or lost, whereas an auto trait is more reliable.
I'm not allowed roosters where I live, and am only supposed to have 5 chickens.

Otoh, the lady down the street has 2 roosters and 17 chickens, so we'll see.:D

I'll be dealing with Frey's hatchery (Ontario, Canada), and I see they have the Barred Plymouth rock, so I might get one.

Do any of you recommend Sex-Link birds?
Black sex link hens are from Rhode Island Red rooster x Barred Rock hens. I think they may be the strongest of the sex links health wise. I too want a couple of barred rock hens to breed to my RIR roosters.
Thank you all, for your warm welcome!

I'm not sure where to post questions... do I just start a new thread under certain categories?
I don't want to be rude, and post a bunch of newbie threads, spamming the place. :)

For instance:
-Which type of wood should I use for the coop?

-How much distance do I need between my (shallow) well, and the coop/run? (The township says 100', but that severely limits my placement)

-How/where do I add my geographical area to my profile?
Do I post it under "status"?

Appreciate the help. 😊

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