Show me your favorite run activities!

May 28, 2020
Bonney Lake, Washington
I’d love to see what everyone has for fun in their runs! We have HPAI in our county + an immunocompromised flock, so trying to get creative for amusement. Attaching pictures of our run—we have a garden bed and perched, but they’re not always the most entertaining it seems. I usually do some scratch and herbs every day but don’t want to overdo the treats.

I’d love to see pics of the favorite perches in your runs!


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I’d love to see what everyone has for fun in their runs! We have HPAI in our county + an immunocompromised flock, so trying to get creative for amusement. Attaching pictures of our run—we have a garden bed and perched, but they’re not always the most entertaining it seems. I usually do some scratch and herbs every day but don’t want to overdo the treats.

I’d love to see pics of the favorite perches in your runs!
What a lovely hotel! :)

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