Show me your quail pens!!!

So you have the quail on top pooping on the quail underneath them? Am I missing something? If that's the case I cannot think of a worse pen to use!
it falls through right to the ground.

look at my pictures, do you see any poop scattered around? Don't think so, and I have never touched a single cage in terms of cleaning.
Looking into possibly raising some quail and love seeing what you all have to share...but I have a there a reason that almost all of your cages are raised off the ground? I just feel like they should have runs...but I don't know a darn thing about quail haha. Can anyone help answer that for me? Thanks in advance! :)
Looking into possibly raising some quail and love seeing what you all have to share...but I have a there a reason that almost all of your cages are raised off the ground? I just feel like they should have runs...but I don't know a darn thing about quail haha. Can anyone help answer that for me? Thanks in advance! :)
waste of space not stacking them on top of each other. Such small birds need small space.

I don't like bending over to do chores either.

I'm about to abandon my quail cube- these little buggers drink too much- and I have to fill the quart sized waterers every other day, and I prefer to use gallon sized ones, which are too tall to fit in the cube.

Just a thought to toss around.
Small cages are not good for quail.
The one foot square area per bird is also to small.
Quail need room and some of these houses are way to small they dont have much space.
My main reasons aside from not liking to bend over to tend them. And stacking them up in condos. Is the birds them selves. They dont have to stand around in their own waste till I get around to cleaning their pen. It all falls thru to either the ground or a catch pan... This not only virtually eliminates a worm problem, but also any germs from the ground its self. Some of these survive a very long time. Black head, MS , ect, any type of ailment could be there or brought in by wild birds or animals. Up above it all there are less worries!
Hi I see you mix californian and blue. Scaled have yours interbred I just brought some supposed to be blue scaled they now have black necks ;-(
I'm thinking cross breeding
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