Show me your Runs!...please 😇

No roof on mine, have to do some shoveling.... and add shade cloths in summer.

More pics here:
Yep gotta love the snow belt 🤣 I'd prefer no snow in the run at all. At that point I might as well keep them in the house then (not happening). Yet another perk for working for a landscaping company. We have all the snow removing equipment I could ask for. So bring it on. 🤣
Yes. 41" fell in less than 24 hrs. And our high prediction when I'd gone to bed the night before was 19". Imagine my surprise when I opened the curtains.
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Yeah we weren’t even expected to get in on that band the night before and then got 34” in 12hrs after it ended up a little more north than modeled. Fun storm!
But does it fit thru the run door?
I am limited to a shovel.
Oh yes, I made it triple wide. We've had the tractor in their to till up the dirt before we planted grass. Just attach a brush/sweeper. Or just hand roll the actual snow blower in. I made sure that removing the "white gold" would be a breeze. Now if only I could get paid to remove it from my own setup 😅

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