Show off my coop


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 18, 2014
Southeast Texas
I just wanted to show off my coop and run I had built. I had modeled after one my dad had built, he had sent me pictures and dimensions, but mine turned out slightly different. All I have to do is add a little chicken wire to the front top, add the coop door and paint it now. the coop is 4x8 raised with a total run size of 8x12. from what I have read on here it is suppose to be big enough for the 8 new chickens I have added to my flock.

Cute little setup! I would suggest considering a little beefing up of the wire used for enclosing it as poultry netting is wonderful at keeping chickens in (or out of) an area, but is positively useless with regard to keeping anything else from getting through - meaning predators. One option would be to simply add some hardware cloth at least 2-3 feet high around the entire thing starting from the bottom - this will re-enforce the most likely point of contact for most predators (though the more inclined to climb may simply go higher to get to the weaker wire).
Cute little setup!  I would suggest considering a little beefing up of the wire used for enclosing it as poultry netting is wonderful at keeping chickens in (or out of) an area, but is positively useless with regard to keeping anything else from getting through - meaning predators.  One option would be to simply add some hardware cloth at least 2-3 feet high around the entire thing starting from the bottom - this will re-enforce the most likely point of contact for most predators (though the more inclined to climb may simply go higher to get to the weaker wire). 
I have heard this about poultry netting a lot. Perhaps they should remarket it as something else!
I have heard this about poultry netting a lot. Perhaps they should remarket it as something else!

It does exactly what it's meant to do. Contain poultry. They don't call it raccoon or weasel wire for a reason lol. Unless you have a serious amount of daytime predators I see no reason to use anything but poultry wire on the run. Hardware cloth is a must for protecting the coop so it's a fortress to keep them safe at night when most vulnerable. Other than that most people can get away with poultry wire on the runs and be just fine

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