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Actually, eddy looks like a salmon faverolle roo. Does he have a 5th toe. They are known for the black beard and that coloration
He's an EE, Faverolles have the same pattern as Eddy, but a single comb. And no Eddy doesn't have 5 toes. A few people on BYC have EEs with patterns like Eddy's. Since an EE is an Americauna mix, he technically could have faverolle in him.

Edited with an Instagram filter, I couldn't help it, it makes him look so purty. His name is Popcorn. My first chicken, he is a year old serama.

Rest in peace Rudy who died in the line of duty today protecting my hens from a hawk :'(
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The hawk was on top of one of my buff orps and Rudy ran to the rescue. Instead of flying off the hawk stayed for a fight. After he killed Rudy it took me and my dog Rosie to run it off. I hope he doesn't return for a second try :(

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