Show off your Black Australorp


Can anyone tell me if this 8 week old Australorp is a hen or roo? I don't want to bring it home if it's a roo. Thank you so much!! Really want an Australorp so fingers crossed!
From my experience and the recent post this bird is a pullet. The cockerell will have more comb and wattles at 8 weeks.
Quote: yaaay! thanks!
My Australorp hen laid an 84 gram egg last week. That is about a size larger than Jumbo.

wow! I cannot wait to pick her up and bring her home! I think her name will be Miss Kay, from Duck Dynasty! haha! My mother in law has 6 australorps! I can't wait for first eggs, you were lucky for such a monster of an egg!
I've got to say I have never wanted BA's but......
I have one and she is slowly becoming my favorite of the flock.
I tend to keep lighter breeds (leghorns, hamburgs) but I have some larger hens as well (buff orpington, black Australorp).
The BA has been the broodiest chicken I have ever met and she is SOOOOOOO incredibly sweet.
I LOVE my BA!!!!
I just ordered 3 Australorps that will come this spring I'm so excited! I also ordered 1 cream Legbar because thats all I could afford at the time.

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