Show off your chicken names!!!

I have Chicken, Sacramento (hence the username!), Cheekie, Philliah, and Seattle!
Well my chicken names have changed a few times to suit their personality.
Thorn (BR roo)
Miss Waddles (BLRW)
Skeeter (blue white crested polish)
Endive (GC)
Maple (EE)
Pearl (Minorca)
Daloris (Columbian wyandotte)
Dutchess (black australorp)
Goosey (blue andalusian)
Pumpkin puff (buff orp)
Well Thorn turned out to be a pullet so she is getting replaced with my new dorking roo Napoleon!
and I just bought a white bearded silkie and named her Taco
Lol . My two chickens are named Nugget and Squawk. Nugget is a little piggy and I just thought ut would be a f6nny name. Squawk, well, shes got a mouth..or beal I guess you could say
8 girls

Barred Rocks : Storm and Rogue
Buff Os: Hit Girl, Gene Gray
Silkie: Fluffy (5 year old named her of course)
Cali X: Whitey (she has some other more horrible names just to be funny)
EE : Raven
SLW: Silver
Well since you asked! ...and you get as a FREE BONUS the method to the madness behind those names!
1. Brahma - "CHICKEN SOX"
If you can't figure why that's so D_ _ _ funny, you've never seen a Brahma! 'Nough said!
2. Brahma- "CHEE-TOES"
She's the color of the Cheetos Leopard, and her toes are orange.
3. Welsummer- "SAINT MARGARET"
went back to the "I wasn't suppose to be a cockerel" store. I traded for a less catholic pullet. More of a "lay" member of the church.
4&5 Andalusians- "THE SISTERS FUGLY"
aka: THING 1 and THING 2. They remind me of the seagulls in Finding Nemo.................
"Mine, mine,mine,mine,mine,mine,mine,mine,mine,....."
6. Speckled Sussux- "THE BABE" (pullet I received at the "I wasn't suppose to be a cockerel" store. I call her THE BABE, because just like Babe Ruth, I made the greatest trade in history! And I don't care who 'ya are, that thar' is funny...real funny...I'm still laughin' cause that thar' is still funny.
Yup, those are my chicken names. Next question.
I SHOULD HAVE TO GO TO BYC TIME-OUT FOR BEING AN IDIOT. I hope there are some fun people there. I posted my chicken names. No, I shouldn't go to time-out for that 'cause my chicken names are funny. Yup, really funny. I saw ANOTHER thread on BYC about chicken names, and knowing I have a HUMORAL obligation to share them thar' funny chicken names (cause thar' funny and all), I copied and pasted my post.
I know that part is no crime, but when I copied my #400 and something number post and pasted it to the other thread, I BROUGHT ALONG THE 400 AND SOMETHING NUMBER POSTS WITH ME! OMG, I'M GLAD I HIT PREVIEW FIRST!
Can you imagine all those folks in Funniest Chicken Name post getting Best Chicken Names Posts. 400 + - all at one time! AND THEY WOULD HAVE FREAKED!!!!! Because the best chicken names (no offense disclaimer) ain't so funny. Oh except mine.

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