Show off your chicken names!!!

Oh my that might be difficult. I guess maybe the barring when they get older might look different and perhaps sizewise, but that will be tough.
I think I've chosen a name for one. "BB" short for BB King.
Now we have 19 pullets and 2 known cockerels, 4 straight run unknowns.We have been naming as we been going along.
Pullets: Linda, Oprah, Pot Pie, Original, Extra Crispy, Parmesan, Roasted, Noodles, Dumplings, Nugget, McChicken, Tenders
Cockerels are Alpha and Beta, the others will get named as we can tell who is who. Also cockerels will be culled but for one so that factors into the naming process.
I have not consistently named all of the girls in my flock, but am slowly working on it!
I have 4 Buff Orpingtons - the bully, the broody and Jenny and Kay (named after my grandmother-in-law and her sister who can never be separated)
I have a rooster named Hank (after Hank Williams, the old Australorp Rooster was Johnny Cash before he passed)
I have 5 barnyard mixes - the largest is Rapunzel named by my daughter and the tiniest is Chicken Little (she runs around as if the sky is falling every minute of the day and is the goofiest looking thing I have ever seen!
2 Australorps - Blacky or Queen B(pictured right) and Sparkle

Chicken Little on the Right

Getting Golden Wyandottes this Friday and LOVE the name Lacey for one of them and will let my daughter name the rest! Welsummers arrive next Friday and I open to names for them, maybe Summer for one.
Here are a few of my chicken's:

Our roo's name is Einstein
Isabel (Izzy)
I like to base my names off of their color or breed! Otherwise anything I find pretty
Welsummer - Welsa

Sicilian B. - Ila
Barred Rock - Zilla (I like the -ila)
Wyandotte - Rosa

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