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Why Sure I've got one white leg horn rooster left lol.
Look for gamefowl. He’s a black/brown red. That pullet is not related but she is also a black/ brown red game hen.
thanks i got black chikcen and blond one too u think if i got red roo he make good baby chicks

Looky looky birds will get down, crow, prune, flap an scratch when they have no food in bad weather. Who would have thunk it? If I need to I can go back a few months where we got 2ft of snow no roofs collapsed and birds stayed active because I dug them out and opps watered them to.

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i want 1 to has red streeks likl that one u got i cant not have none more right now my brother got me in troubles but i like them red streaked in ur chicken
i got a black chicken she name blacky can i put hair die in her feather to make it red i seen where i can get hair stuff it paint on so i think i can do it!!!! she would look good
for bond chicken i could put blue you think!

wha hapen to ur chicken!!! he dead like that so sad! dog kill it:(

them nice too i wants some i would give u pic of my chicken but i broke my phone piture my brother got me in troulbe and moms mad she say no more chicken right now! them lilttle black chicken i have dont crow but she bakabakabak a lot she lay bronw egg too! sometime when mom not mad i show her ur chicken pituctres she will like them cause i do
thanks i got black chikcen and blond one too u think if i got red roo he make good baby chicks

i want 1 to has red streeks likl that one u got i cant not have none more right now my brother got me in troubles but i like them red streaked in ur chicken
i got a black chicken she name blacky can i put hair die in her feather to make it red i seen where i can get hair stuff it paint on so i think i can do it!!!! she would look good
for bond chicken i could put blue you think!

wha hapen to ur chicken!!! he dead like that so sad! dog kill it:(

them nice too i wants some i would give u pic of my chicken but i broke my phone piture my brother got me in troulbe and moms mad she say no more chicken right now! them lilttle black chicken i have dont crow but she bakabakabak a lot she lay bronw egg too! sometime when mom not mad i show her ur chicken pituctres she will like them cause i do
He was just dusting he is fine lol
thanks i got black chikcen and blond one too u think if i got red roo he make good baby chicks

i want 1 to has red streeks likl that one u got i cant not have none more right now my brother got me in troubles but i like them red streaked in ur chicken
i got a black chicken she name blacky can i put hair die in her feather to make it red i seen where i can get hair stuff it paint on so i think i can do it!!!! she would look good
for bond chicken i could put blue you think!

wha hapen to ur chicken!!! he dead like that so sad! dog kill it:(

them nice too i wants some i would give u pic of my chicken but i broke my phone piture my brother got me in troulbe and moms mad she say no more chicken right now! them lilttle black chicken i have dont crow but she bakabakabak a lot she lay bronw egg too! sometime when mom not mad i show her ur chicken pituctres she will like them cause i do
You can only dye feathers lighter than the original color. You would have to bleach them first. None of this is recommended while still attached to a living chicken though. You can use kool aid though for lighter feathers.

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