Show Off Your Games!

....Problem is now more people are breeding, raising, and keeping game birds. Instead of leaving them to themselves or properly handling them, they are being treated like pets. My roosters are docile towards me as well as towards each other, providing they have plenty of room and girls, As previously stated. But I only handle show birds and leave the breeders alone. Seems that the show birds are calm when in the cage but when back on the ground they are Almost fearless...So my theory is to not handle breeders to keep them as calm as possible and not breed the show birds...Because I really don't want to wrestle "a buzz saw"
I fully agree... I do not handle my game birds at all and keep the rest at a minimum. The only ones I really handle are the silkies and that is because they seem to thrive on it. My games do not like being touched so i don't touch them. I give them music and talk to them when i go out to feed or am walking by but that's about it.

no not right now but i am going to get a pair of pumpkin hulseys from green fire farms can anyone tell me about the quality of their birds or how to really take care of game fowl special needs thanks
Well, imo handling fowl is a good thing. If you handle your fowl properly, have lines that haven't been bred into manfighters, and house them properly, you won't have issues. The only exception is during breeding season, then you have to use some common sense, and keep them spurs trimmed, especially on them hens. 9 times out of 10 manfighters come from improper breeding practices, or poor management. If you want to see your man aggressive cock mellow out, put em on a tie cord, and see how that makes a difference.
Hi Everyone, I am soooo excited!!!! My Reds are on eggs, about adozen eggs or so, can not wait to see what they hatch and how they turn out. Bought this pair at an aution in cages side by side, did not get any info on them so don't know what strain thay are, but I think they are beautiful!!!! Here are pics of them, tell me what you think they might be!!!!




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Here are some pics of my Toppies!!!!

Blue Red Cock (in Molt)

Dun color Hen

Dun hes crest

Brown red Hen

Brown reds crest

Cinnamon Pyle marked Dun Hen

Cinnamon Pyle wing markings

Spangled Cock

Spangled cocks crest

Light Red hen (not a Toppy) in with Spangled cock and mom to my three Babies!!!!! Enjoy! Lynn
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Light brown leghorn...Bubba, he sadly met his end this past winter after several years of service, I am currently working on a replacement for him that is as good.....I do have welsummers , as well, but wouldn't consider them to be anything more than yard chickens....I have pics of all my birds but if I tried to download them all I would shut down the server....anything in particular?

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