Show Off Your Games!

This is a stag we raised this year.This was the only one we got this color.This was the color we were actually trying to get.The others are all red and black.
So you're going for a blue breasted red, yes?

Shouldn't be too hard at all. One of his parents has to be blue or splash to create that, and thus, you should get more. . . It is either a 50/50 or a 100% chance of getting it, depending on parents.

Very nice stag though.

Thanks Lynn for the nice comments.

The grey hen on the red rooster`s right side is a China Game hen. The BBR hen in front of him and also the grey in back of him are only half china games. Their Mom was the China hen pictured with the chicks under her and their dad was a Phoenix roo. I don`t have any pics now of my Phoenix`s.
You can see my Black Leghorns on Feathersites. The link is below in my signature area. They`re the 12th set of pics down.
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Good morning all, Hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas day, my dad came up from Texas and we had a wonderful time visiting, I fixed Turkey and dressing, mashed taters, corn green beans and turkey gravy, ate too much then had Lemon Pie and Punkin pie that my little princess helped to make!!! Got to be with some of my kids, will see others later this week. It is very cold here this morning, all is well thogh and we are greatful for all! Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season!!!! Lynn in Okla.
We celebrated Christmas on the eve (work schedules within the family) - But I had a wonderful Christmas present from my new Shamo pullet! Her first egg. Fertile too.
Hi, what is a Tolbunt Polish and do you sell hatching eggs or would you consider selling me some chicks and shipping to me this spring, really interested in the Aracaunas and Americaunas and Olive eggs, did you great the OEs? Thanks, Lynn

I have a young, male (2-months old) Iranian Lari-Aseel. Can anyone tell me what the best match for him would be in terms of cross breeding? What would be the largest aseel or Shamo that would possibly be compatible?
Does any one know of some large pure breed aseel/Shamo females for sale or eggs for sale?
I have a question I hope some of you can clear up.
I have copy of the American gamefowl standard, but it doesn't have none of the
names that people use such as "hatch" "miner blues" and many others.
What is the deal with that? are those slang names that people use?
those are bloodline names. during the legal sporting era the bloodline was more important than color, now its the reverse. a Butcher can be a Wheaton, but so can a Claret. A Hatch could be several colorations. Miner blues could be blue reds, lemon blues, brown reds, bb reds....depends on the strain of that line.

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