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here's another OEGB i just got... i don't recognize his color... but where i got him, they had him with a bunch of japanese roos.... so i guess he's mixed...





and i just got a pair of these guys today... i'll take more pictures tomorrow...
i can't believe i got a pair of these gorgeous birds...


yea she looks like a game hen her body is very similar to the game hens I have seen.
what it got my attention was that she got a yellow bright eye on one side the other eye is the same but with a black spot, the black neck and face.
she is perfect for project
First Roo looks like a cross of the Japanese Bantam and something else, it is the Mille Fluer color pattern, the second roo is a Pocelin Old English Game Bantam, Lynn

i never thought about mile fluer color pattern possibility... he's still gorgeous though... gonna pair him up with a pyle and white hen see if i can start breeding that color of chickens... and yeah, he's not a porcelain... he's lavender/self blue...

good eye... i have to dub him soon... his hen layed an egg today... hopefully i'll have my incubator built when i get 8 of them or so... WooT!...
I have Game hens, lost my roo this summer.

I've been checking around for a roo I like, but so far haven't come up with one.

I think my main reason though is my hens free range 24/7, so having a roo out when I let another coop free range every day would mean keeping the roo penned up and I have plenty of unfinished coops already, so thought of trying to do one just makes me tired.

I saw some this summer before my husband died and he was going to make some for me, but never got the chance.

I have a question about doing one of these. Where could I find or take a barrel to have it cut in half, long way?

There's a backyard near me, that when you drive over the overpass you can see these coops in the backyard. I just can't go up to someone's door to ask how they did these, but I'm sure I could figure it out if I could get the barrel cut. I tried CL, but not having much luck and still need them cut when i get them.
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Hey Wloftracks what are you making, do you have a pic of it? If it is a plastic barrel you can cut it with a regular wood saw, either a hand saw or a circular saw, just take a yardstick or straight board and a square and draw a straight line down the side and across the top and bottom and other side, then lay it on its side and cut both sides then the bottom and then the top as it is the strongest piece with the rim on it, be careful and wear your safty goggles or glasses!!!! Not hard to do really!!! Lynn in Okla.

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