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here are some pictures

She looks to be a naked neck, with no wattles, I have some that sometimes produce black/purple skin, if you want black skined NNecks. gallo4319, I usually cull them. They are not silkie out crosses here, like most people have from trying to make showgirls.

I was thinking of breeding them to my black shamo stag just curious to see what they produce. I guess you call it a side genetic project. but not sure what I'll do.

I have columbian, partridge,buff, red, black, white, & grey NNecks. but it's only my blacks that produce black skined offspring.
It usually is darker in my pullets & hens than it is in my roos. the roos seem to get darker with age.
Vcomb has a good colorful variety of American Games. . . We were even discussing the similarities of whitehackle's "mottling" to that of Tolbunt Polish.
She looks to be a naked neck, with no wattles, I have some that sometimes produce black/purple skin, if you want black skined NNecks. gallo4319, I usually cull them. They are not silkie out crosses here, like most people have from trying to make showgirls.

I was thinking of breeding them to my black shamo stag just curious to see what they produce. I guess you call it a side genetic project. but not sure what I'll do.

I have columbian, partridge,buff, red, black, white, & grey NNecks. but it's only my blacks that produce black skined offspring.
It usually is darker in my pullets & hens than it is in my roos. the roos seem to get darker with age.

hey hi : josh 44
I was thinking. to cross her with my black shamosumatra x its the only cross rooster I have left from my black shamo
its face is red but it turning dark since hes been spending more time outside the coop.


they have a pretty good size
I forgot to mention the hen has a pea comb.
Aww, now that's just disgraceful! How could you do such a thing Illia? To think my poor little Whitehackle's may be compared to a Polish! What's next, the gentle personalities of my Shamo's to a Silkie? Hehe.. Just joking..

Really it is interesting though, the original Whitehackle's weren't even spangled. A lot of lines aren't spangled even today, mainly only those who are the Morgan's/have Morgan blood. I think Kearney too possibly, but most of them still are the old type red's with white under-hackle, and maybe a "occasional" (very rare occasion) spangle will pop out of some.

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Yeah, our discussion was in the fact that we really don't know what makes the Tolbunt coloring, or at least the mottled part of it, we just know that it is not the same as other mottled birds, however Whitehackles often have a lot of similarities in the fact that the coloring is genetically not the same as mottled, and it is often pretty uneven. (white or smudged looking tail, wing, and neck feathers, etc)

I know you game owners consider Polish like Silkies and the rest, but to me, a well bred one (to the APA's SOP) is actually a nice, robust bird. The common hatchery Polish however are in most cases
- Skinny, ugly, not too bright, and not very hardy.

Personally I love the naked neck of Madagascars and Turkens, however I don't think Madagascars make for good crosses. The head and body of one suits it so well, makes it so beautiful and powerful looking (in my opinion of course! ha ha ) - Taking away that head, the slight wrinkle, the dewlap, and the low set tail angle ust makes it look, umm, odd. Even Turkens shouldn't have the American Gamefowl-type bodies. (upright, large tail, thin, lightweight looking body, etc)
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With the other pictures up, I would tend to agree; not a pure Malagche. It appears to my old eyes that she is sporting a peacomb not a single comb. Could be a Turken x Shamo cross? Unfortunately for the true Malgache lots of people have made such a cross and then they get sold as Malagche. Usually, Malagche do have a pronounced dewlap, but not always. The cocks may or may not also have huge wattles and earlobes: at least on those that have not been outcrossed. However, different breeders have made selections in different ways; thus, there are variations from flock to flock. Malagche are more Malay in body type than Shamo. The hens are quite horizontal.

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