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heres a couple of pics of my newest boy here:




whatchall' think? his tail is a mess form being caged, other than that he's a good boy very tame too

Whoa, your Leiper stag is turning out great! Like those hens with him

Thanks Gresh,
I'm really pleased his progression, he's turning out to be a fine bird.
These hens are the golden eggs of my breeding project. They should throw some
nice stags this coming breeding season. Looking forward to it.
Very nice hen! Hope this is the beginning of a successful project for you. Maybe two or three years from now I'll be asking you about shipping some Leipers to me
Hi Guys, just want to say my computer is out at home and I am using the one at the library so I don't get on a lot, some nice looking pics of hens, really liked the Dom hen, I have three just like her, have on in a pen with a gorgeous Butterschotch colored Golden Killer Stag. I love the pics and info on the Red Quills as I am working on improving the colors in mine, have 4 stags and two pullets on the ground from my trio and am planning on breeding them back to the parrents to try to improve the color. I have Blue in mToppis and Dun Hens in with one of my Blue red Toppy Cocks, am getting some beautiful colors from them. need to cull down and sell some but it is so hard to deside which to get rid of. Have a great day all, Lynn in Oklahoma.
Very nice hen! Hope this is the beginning of a successful project for you. Maybe two or three years from now I'll be asking you about shipping some Leipers to me

Sounds good.
The chicken fairy brought me this beautiful thing!
(it just appeared on my yard, really) Some cockers just drop off unwanted fowl next to my place.




its a red quill, i believe.. anyone can correct me if im wrong

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