Show Off Your Games!

Meet Pretty Boy! My BBRed Rooster.

Wow, that guy has major stink eye!
we've raised games since i was young the pumkins are fairly resent adition they are fast and high breakers not as highstrung as are redquills simular styles they are game and cross well over my blues just wasn't sure on the diffrence in lines those are summer hatch need to be pined soon before they start testing each other
Nice rooster. Out of all my roosters, there is only one that I trust. Trimming their spurs is a must for the rest of them.

Thanks. Pretty Boy is very docile. He looks like he wants to kill you, but I have never seen him show any aggression towards humans. He is the alpha male of my flock and he does not bother the young roos unless they get out of line. They all respect him.
My Hulsey roo is fairly aggressive. Thats why there is tarp up in the background of my pic. He got into a fight with another roo and it got really bloody. Luckily I was home to stop it.
Please don't call a Gamecock by that disgusting name. Those of us that raise Gamefowl find it very offensive. Thanks.
ACEE, I don't want to offend, as I don't know you or your fowl, but I can tell you there is no way young AG of the age those clearly are should be able to be penned together, especially that tight. As I said, no disrespect intended. BTW sebrightsrock, there is a huge difference between aggressive, and game, but I'm not going to get into that discussion again here.

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