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The Fox came back 3 o-clock this morning I got a shot but he was on the run and it was dark...I missed

I know how you feel. Got one of my own right now and a bobcat to boot. Bobcats are easy to catch though. Just use a live white chicken as bait (inside a cage of course) and you will catch him. Does not work for foxes though. At least not here. Never done it myself, but my friend says foxes are suckers for predator calls. You might try it.

Hercules ,I enjoy seeing this rooster getting bigger
guess I just noticed I have never posted any of my birds on this thread.... may be a little pic heavy but here are some of my old birds. I have no pics of my new ones yet.

sorry so pic heavy.
I have a question about site barriers. Am I correct that they don't have to be all the way to the ground? I am in Florida and trying to keep as much ventilation going as I can. I have an 18x8 pen and will be dividing it into three sections (6x8) and will have three pair in there side by side....two o shamo pair and one that has a cubalaya cross cock that is very game. Can I raise the site barrier up about 6 inches off the ground safely?
Okay...the next question is how much higher than the tallest cock do I need to go? I understand that the area with the roost needs to be blocked higher to account for visibility from the roost.

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