Show Off Your Games!

my giro hatch, still getting used to the backyard life, the guy who gave him to me trained him for fighting but had to leave town, we both got lucky.

my general, born and raised on the streets of east los. found him on the streets when he was about 7 or 8 months and he's been my favorite ever since.

my hatch hen, she belongs to the giro

the general's white hackle

I was wondering if anyone thinks this 16 week old cockrel might be a game bird. He was given to my husband because he was being beat up by the other roosters in the flock. The guy inherited his chickens when he bought the farm and has no idea what they are. Thanks for any help.
She is an interesting bird. She seems to be so friendly and tame to me. Im hoping she will warm up to the yard environment. Just in case Im in San Pablo so if you still want her and she doesnt work out here you may have her. Currently she is preferring to stay away from the others on a porch near where I am.

I am in Texas, so it is a little far for me drive over. Lol! Although, I was born in San Jose. As we say here in Texas; "I was not born in Texas but I got here soon as I could!" Actually, I would rather be somewhere else then Texas right now. This extreme drought we have been for the past several year is about to drive me crazy. I have heard some people talk about something called "RAIN", which is water falling from the sky. I don't believe that such a thing exist. Water falling from the sky! Ha! Next they will try to tell me it rains cats and dogs too! LOL!
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Lets talk egg color in Games. Does it matter? Is it something I should breed for? I have a flock of Yellow Leg Hatch, and they lay every thing from a pure white to a light brown. It seems to me that they should all be laying a light cream colored egg. What are your thoughts on this? Should I only be hatching the cream colored eggs? I tried to get a picture of my eggs to show you what I am talking about, but of course egg color does not show up real well. I would love to see pictures of ideal eggs.
I am not expert here, but I believe it depends on what type of Games you are talking about. If you are talking about American Games, I would say the color of the eggs does not matter, because AGs are a more recent breed that was developed by mixing many breeds of games from different parts of the world and so there is naturally a lot of genetic variance that will result in different colored eggs. But if you are talking about Old English Games, I would think because they have been bred over hundreds, if not thousands of years, there would be little genetic variance and they would lay a more consistently colored egg. Just my opinion here.

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